2020年 年末メッセージ(日本語版は英語版の後をご覧ください)
Throughout the world this year people have experienced extraordinary difficulties associated with deep fear, millions of deaths, poverty, violence, political oppression and racism. Yet, many political leaders, particularly in the US, Japan and here in Australia too, are behaving like corrupt mafia, neglecting their duties as politicians. Most of the problems heightened by the pandemic are man-made ones – problems that the Norwegian sociologist, Johan Galtung calls “structural violence.” These problems cannot be solved without the consolidated effort of people across the world. We are also facing another kind of pandemic - global warming. Tackling this also requires our combined endeavors.
I hope the following poem illustrated by Michael Leunig and some music I have chosen will provide you with tranquility and enable you to ponder the peaceful and environmentally sound world we should aim to create.
This year we lost a great Italian music composer, Ennio Morricone (1928- 2020), who composed more than 500 pieces of music, mostly sound track music for feature films between the late 1950s and 2016. Among them, one of my favorite pieces is “Gabriel’s Oboe” composed for the film “Mission” produced in 1986.
“Mission” performed by RAI National Symphony Orchestra, Italian symphony radio orchestra based in Turin, conducted by Ennio Morricone at a Christmas Concert held at the Basilica of San Francesco at Assisi, Italy in 2012.
In October this year, celloist Stjepan Hauser created a Youtube program entitled “HAUSER plays Morricone” as his dedication to Morricone. He plays eight pieces Morricone composed. As always his performance is superb.
It is not widely known that Morricone was politically quite progressive and a staunch supporter of the Italian Socialist Party (later Social Democratic Party). It is not surprising, therefore, that, in 1972, he composed music for the song “Here is To You” for the film “Sacco and Vanzetti” – about two Italian anarchist migrants in the US, who became the victims of a false accusation of robbery and murder, and were executed by the electric chair in 1920. The lyrics of this song were written and sung by Joan Baez. It became one of the most popular songs repeatedly sung in the human rights movement in the 1970s not only in the US but also throughout the world.
Sacco and Vanzetti (End scene of the film)
Another song, which became immensely popular in the 1970s, was “Bridge Over Troubled Water” by Simon & Garfunkel. The lyrics of this song of intimate friendship appealed to many students, who were involved in the anti-war and peace movements of the 1970s. I think this was because of the difficult human relationships we were facing in political movements at the time and our strong desire to establish close friendship with other students as a result. I believe this song again appeals to many people now due to the difficulties we are facing due to the pandemic.
The last piece is for shakuhachi, entitled “Tsuki (Moon.)” It is composed and played by the Australian shakuhachi master Bronwyn Kirkpatrick. Bronwyn used to be a clarinet player, but changed her career after becoming fascinated with the sound of the shakuhachi.
With best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy & Safe New Year!
2020年 年末メッセージ
これまでに体験したことのない異常な生活不安と驚愕的な数の死亡者、貧困、暴力、人種差別、政治的抑圧 – パンデミックのゆえに世界中で急速に悪化したいわゆる「構造的暴力」のこの1年。その上に、私たちはもう一つ別のパンデミック – 地球温暖化 -という、これまた困難な問題と直面しています。そんな絶望的な状況を前にしながらも、権力・権益の私物化だけに頭をめぐらせているヤクザ政治屋たち。こんな酷い人災の「パンデミック危機」を悪化させている政治マフィヤたちとは、闘うより他に救いの道はありませんが、ひとときでも心に安らかさを取り戻せるよう、マイケル・ルーニッグの絵と詩、数曲の音楽を今年も送ります。
映画音楽の巨匠、イタリア人のエンニオ・モリコーネ(1928〜2020年)が、今年7月に91歳で亡くなりました。彼は1950年代末から映画音楽の作曲を始め、2016年までに500本以上の音楽を作曲しました。1960年代に主としてクリント・イーストウッド主演の「荒野の用心棒」や「夕陽のガンマン」などのマカロニ・ウエスタンのための主題曲を作曲して有名になりました。私自身は彼のマカロニ・ウエスタンの主題曲は好みではありませんが、70年代に入ってから彼の作曲する音楽の中に魅力を感じるものが増え出し、80年代になってからはすっかりファンになりました。とりわけ好きな曲は、1984年の「Once Upon a Time in America」、1988年の「Nuovo Cinema Paradiso」ですが、しかし最も好きな曲は1986年の映画「ミッション」の主題曲「ガブリエルのオーボエ」です。
あまりよく知られていないようですが、モリコーネは一貫してイタリア社会党(のちに社会民主党)支持者で、政治的にはかなり進歩的な人物だったようです。したがって、1920年にアメリカ、マサチューセッツで起きた2人のアナーキストの冤罪事件、「サッコ・バンゼッティ事件」をテーマにした1971年の映画、「死刑台のメロディ」、のための主題歌「Here is To You (二人の受難者に捧げる哀歌)」を作曲しているのも不思議ではありません。作詞と歌手は、反戦歌手として有名なジョーン・バエズです。この歌は70年代に欧米の人権運動集会で盛んに歌われましたが、日本では事件の背景がよく知られていなかったせいか、ほとんど歌われていなかったと思います。
Here’s to you, Nicola and Bart ニコラとバートの二人にこの哀歌を捧げます
Rest forever here in our hearts 私たちの心に永遠の安らぎがありますように
The last and final moment is yours 最後の、最後の瞬間はあなたたちのものです
That agony is your triumph あなたたちの受難が勝利となるべきときだから
When you're weary もし君が疲れ果てて
Feeling small ちっぽけに感じたり
When tears are in your eyes 涙が溢れてくるときは
I will dry them all 僕が拭い去ってあげよう
I'm on your side 僕は君の味方さ
When times get rough つらいときが来て
And friends just can't be found 友だちがいなくなってしまった時も
Like a bridge over troubled water 困難の上に架ける橋のように
I will lay me down 僕がこの身を捧げよう
Like a bridge over troubled water 困難の上に架ける橋のように
I will lay me down 僕がこの身を捧げよう