Articles posted at The Asia-Pacific Journal/Japan Focus
List of Book Publications
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*Entwined Atrocities: New Insights into the U.S.-Japan Alliance (with Foreword by John Dower) New York, USA, Peter Lang, 2023, 442 pages.(『絡み合った残虐行為:日米同盟への新たな洞察』)
Why did the Japanese fail to develop a sense of collective responsibility for the wartime and colonial atrocities they committed, and why do they continue to fail to do so?
In this book, I try to show how Japanese attitudes to Japan’s own war responsibility have long been and still are closely intertwined with the American attitudes to both American and Japanese war responsibilities.
In the Forward to this book, John Dower succinctly summarizes the content of the book as follows.
“First is Japanese atrocities and war crimes. Second is the criminal nature of U.S. strategic and nuclear targeting of civilians. Third is the immediate postwar U.S. and Japanese coverup of the emperor’s war responsibility (and how this dovetailed with the coverup of the atrocious nature of America’s air war). Fourth is how this double coverup created inherent contradictions in Japan’s so-called peace constitution of 1947, which remains unrevised to the present day. The final overarching focus is on how understanding this dynamic concatenation can help us better understand the flaws and failings of present-day democracy in Japan.”
The aim of this book is therefore to unravel the entangled U.S.-Japan relationship over war responsibility by closely analyzing two vital issues—first, the firebombing and atomic bombing, and second, Japan’s peace constitution—and to elucidate how these issues are historically intertwined.”
「一つは、日本の残虐行為と戦争犯罪である。もう一つは、米国の戦略的核攻撃による民間人殺害の犯罪性である。第三は、天皇の戦争責任に関する戦後直後の日米両国による隠蔽工作(そしてこれがアメリカの空爆の非道な性質の隠蔽工作とどのように結びついているか)である。第四に、この二重の隠蔽体質が、いわゆる平和憲法(1947 年施行)に固有の矛盾を生み出し、それが現在も改正されずに残っている。最後に、このダイナミックな連関を理解することで、現在の日本の民主主義の欠陥と失敗をよりよく理解することができるという点に焦点を当てる。」
*検証「戦後民主主義」 なぜわたしたちは戦争責任問題を解決できないのか(三一書房、2019年)
(An Examination of Japan’s Post-War Democracy: Why we cannot solve the
problem of war responsibility), Tokyo: Sanichi Shobo, 2019, 359 pages.
◉第2章:「招爆責任」と「招爆画策責任」の隠蔽– 日米両国による原爆神話化 –
日米両国の原爆利用 – 米国の無差別大量殺戮「正当化」と日本の原爆被害の「終戦利用」
◉第3章:「平和憲法」に埋め込まれた「戦争責任隠蔽」の内在的矛盾– 前文と9条活用への展望に向けて –
「主権国家」観念を超える「国家悪」論 – 大熊信行と小田実
「国体」観念を継承する憲法第1章 – 宗教的権威と非人間的「象徴」
「象徴権威」の政治的役割 – その歴史的背景
戦後「象徴権威」の活用 – 天皇に見る「加害と被害の逆転」と「一億総被害意識」の創出
「象徴権威」の現代的活用 – あらゆる政治社会問題を隠蔽する幻想効果と戦争責任のさらなる隠蔽
◉第5章:「記憶」の日米共同謀議の打破に向けて – ドイツの「文化的記憶」に学ぶ
罪と責任の忘却 – ハンナ・アレントの目で見るオバマ大統領の謝罪なき広島訪問
葬り去られた記憶の復活 – 「ノイエ・ヴァッヘ」と「空中に浮かぶ天使」
「コミュニケーション的記憶」から「文化的記憶」へ – ドイツ個別の記憶から人類の普遍的記憶への止揚
*Second Edition of Hidden Horrors: Japanese War Crimes In World War II (with Foreword by John Dower) New York, USA: Rowman & Littlefield, 2017, 350 pages.
(1996年出版の初版の改定増補版 – 新しく「新版解説」と一章を書き加え、さらに序文、結論を大幅に修正・加筆。他の章にも修正を加え、使用写真もほとんど新しい写真と入れ替えました。またジョン・ダワーの「前書き」も新しく書き直されました。)
This book was first published by Westview Press in the U.S. in 1996. In the interim it has been widely read throughout the English-speaking world, and well received by many readers. Indeed several TV documentary films, including the BBC’s Horror in the East, have been produced utilizing my examination of the Japanese war crimes cases dealt with in this volume. Yet, for several years I sought an opportunity to revise the text, as I felt strongly that my analysis of certain issues was inadequate. This was partly as a result of further research into the history of Japan’s military conduct not only in the Asia-Pacific War, but also during the long period from the Sino-Japanese War of 1894 – 1895 to the end of the Pacific War in 1945. My persistent efforts enabled me to acquire more vital information and deepen my knowledge and comprehension of a number of fundamental issues.
At the same time, however, Japan’s awareness of its collective responsibility for its wartime and colonial atrocities deteriorated significantly. Over the past two decades jingoistic and xenophobic movements promoted by Japan’s extreme neo-nationalist organizations have gained concerning strength. Indeed, they have had considerable influence on Japanese popular thinking on many important war-related issues. These right-wing movements that deny the historical facts of Japan’s war atrocities are now vigorously supported and in some cases—such as the so-called “comfort women” (military sex slaves) issue—are steered by the Japanese government.
I thus felt strongly that it was a critically important time to reissue this book with a substantially revised format. Accordingly, I added a long preface to the new edition, explaining Japan’s failure to cultivate its collective responsibility mainly through the analysis of popular culture such as novels and films in the early stage of the post-war period. In the new introduction I examined specific war crimes cases analyzed in the first edition, placing them in the broader context of Japanese military atrocities during the fifteen-year Asia-Pacific War. In the conclusion I developed a new line of analysis to explain why Japanese troops were so brutal and vicious not only to enemy soldiers, but also to non-combatants. I made this change because over the years I have come to recognize that my previous thesis—that Japan’s humane POW policy in wars before the Asia-Pacific War was due to the strong influence of bushidō—was clearly contrary to historical facts and thus inapplicable. In accordance with my new thesis elaborated upon in the conclusion I made changes to various parts in each chapter. Chapter 3 has been updated to reflect significant new research on the topic of the so-called comfort women - including my own book, Japan’s Comfort women: Sexual Slavery and Prostitution during World War II and the US Occupation published in 2002 - since this Hidden Horrors was first published in 1996.
I have also added a new chapter to analyze relatively unknown war crimes that the Japanese troops committed in the small island nation of Nauru in the Southwest Pacific. This additional chapter demonstrates how war brings not only devastating physical breakdown, but also serious moral and cultural destruction to a small nation like this.
For the past twenty years, this book has been widely used as a reference book for undergraduate students at universities, particularly in the US and UK. On the advice of the Editorial Director of Roman & Littlefield, Ms. Susan McEachern, I also added a few questions at the end of each chapter to be used for students’ further research and group discussions.
Many photos, which were disclosed by the Australian War Memorial after the publication of the original edition in 1996, have also been included replacing those used in the original edition.
*『空の戦争史』 (講談社現代新書 2008年)
(A History of Aerial Warfare), Tokyo: Kodansha, 2008, 253 pages.
*Japan’s Comfort Women: Sexual Slavery and Prostitution during World War II and the US Occupation (with Forward by Susan Brownmiller), London: Routledge, 2002, 212 pages.
Both the hard cover and paperback editions were published at the same time. The 2007 U.S. Congress Report on “Comfort Women” referred to this book as one of the most reliable source of information.
*Hidden Horrors: Japanese War Crimes In World War II (with Foreword by John Dower) Boulder, USA: Westview Press, 1996, 267 pages.
(この著書は、1996年、米国ミリタリー・ブック・クラブの推薦図書に選ばれました。また、2000年に英国BBCテレビで放送されたドキュメンタリー番組2回連続シリーズ『Horror in the East』の制作のための原作として使われました。)
The paperback edition was released in November 1997. The hard cover edition was a main selection of the Military Book Club.
This volume provided extensive background material for a BBC TV documentary series entitled ‘Horrors in the East’ produced in 2000. Together with Professor Irie Akira of Harvard University, I acted as an adviser for this BBC project.
*Rape and War: The Japanese Experience, Melbourne: Japanese Studies Centre, 1995, 57 pages.
*『知られざる戦争犯罪:日本軍はオーストラリア人に何をしたか』 (大月書店 1993年)
(Unknown War Crimes: What the Japanese Imperial Forces Did to the Australians), Tokyo: Otsuki Shoten, 1993, 262 pages.
*『思想の廃墟から – 歴史への責任』 (彩流社 2018年)
(From Ruined Thoughts: Historical Responsibility), Tokyo, Sairyu-sha, 2018, co-authored with Ukai Akira, Okano Yayo and Maeda Akira.
*『原発とヒロシマ 「原子力平和利用の真相」』 (岩波ブックレット 2011年)
(Nuclear Power and Hiroshima), Tokyo, Iwanami Shoten, published as an Iwanami Booklet in October 2011, 68 pages, co-authored with Peter Kuznick.
*『戦争犯罪の構造: 日本軍はなぜ民間人を殺したのか』 (大月書店 2007年)
(Patterns of War Crimes: Why Japanese Forces Killed Civilians), Tokyo: Otsuki Shoten, 2007, 286 pages.
*『再論 東京裁判 – 何を裁き何を裁かなかったのか -』(大月書店2013年)
(Re-examining the Tokyo War Crimes Trial: What It Judged and Did Not Judge), was published by Otsuki Shoten in Tokyo in December 2013.
*Beyond Victor's Justice: The Tokyo War Crimes Trial Revisited (Leiden, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2011), 420pp, co-edited with Tim McCormack and Gerry Simpson.
*Bombing Civilians: A Twentieth Century History, coedited with Marilyn Young, New York: New Press, 2009, 304 pages. The paperback edition was released in September 2010.
*『日本の侵略』(大月書店 1992年)
(Japanese Aggression) co-edited with other members of the Asian Peoples’ Tribunal, Tokyo: Otsuki Shoten, 1992, 290 pages.
*ジョン・ダワー著 『アメリカ 暴力の世紀 – 第二次大戦以降の戦争とテロ』(岩波書店 2017年)
(Japanese translation of John Dower, The Violent American Century: War and Terror since World War II, Haymarket Books, 2017)Tokyo, Iwanami Shoten, 240 pages.
*ハワード・ジン著 『テロリズムと戦争』(大月書店 2002年)
(Japanese translation of Howard Zinn, Terrorism and War, Seven Stories Press, 2002), Tokyo: Otuki Shoten, 147 pages.
*Hiroshima: A Tragedy Never To Be Repeated (English translation of 『絵で読む広島の原爆』, Nasu Masaomi, illustrated by Nishimura Shigeo, published by Fukuinkan Shoten), jointly translated with Joanna King, Tokyo: Fukuinkan Shoten, 1998, 70 pages.
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