
オンライン ZOOM ウェビナー

「平和の碑」が広げつなぐメッセージ 女性の尊厳と人権 























2024/10/26(土) 17001930(日本) 10001230(独) 19002130(豪)


199218日、日本軍「慰安婦」問題解決のための水曜デモが、ここ日本大使館前ではじまった。20111214日、1000回を迎えるにあたり、その崇高な精神と歴史を引き継ぐため、ここに「平和の碑」を建立する】 (ソウル在韓日本大使館前に設置された「平和の碑」碑文より)






《メルボルン》 クリスティーン・キムさん

メルボルンで「慰安婦」問題をめぐって、2016年に結成した平和、教育、正義を推進する人権団体「メルボルン『慰安婦』友の会 _FCWM」の事務局長。 モナシュ大学顧問弁護士、法学博士


~「アリはミッテ区の一部だ!」 干渉を許さない住民たちの抵抗~

《ベルリン》 梶村道子さん




2020.9.28設置 区は1年間の設置許可

10.7 区が認可取り消し1週間以内の撤去命令


11.5 区議会が碑の設置支持宣言採択

12.1 区議会が碑の恒久設置要求決議

2022.11 新区長が、2年の認可延長を表明

2022.5.11 岸田首相、来日したショルツ首相に撤去要請

2024.5.16 カイ・ベーグナーベルリン市長、上川外相と会談

2024.7.19 区長がコリア協議会に9.28までに撤去しなければ過料を課すと告げる


9.19 区議会は像の設置継続を求める動議を賛成多数で採択


オンライン・ZOOMウェビナ― ※録画配信あります。

参加費:1000 _(学生・障がい者無料) 言語:日本語・英語






日本軍「慰安婦」問題解決ひろしまネットワーク 共同代表:足立修一・田中利幸・土井桂子

連絡先:090-3632-1410(土井) E-mailianfnet.hiroshima@gmail.com



「マルタ」と「ロームシャ」を鎮魂する 詩


今月6日〜8日にドイツのベルリン自由大学で開催された Japanese Military Violence During the Asia-Pacific War (アジア・太平洋戦争期の日本軍暴力)と題された国際学会に招かれて講演を行いました。定年退職して10年近く経ち、もっぱら現役の大学教員が出席する国際学会に出席することが私にはほとんどなくなったため、本当に久しぶりの学会出席でした。そのため、老齢歴史家として恥ずかしくないような内容の講演となるよう、いつもよりかなり周到な準備をして講義ノートを作成しました。予想した通り、参加者の中で私が最高齢か2番目に高齢でした。私のような高齢者(自分では決して高齢者とは思っておらず、まだまだ若いつもりなのですが<苦笑>)をよく招待してくれたと、たいへん光栄に思いました。


しかし全部で20人ほどの研究発表者(ほとんどが欧米、イスラエルと豪州の大学教員で、アジア人はほんの数名)の発表内容を聴いて、正直、私はがっかりしました。一言でいえば、研究内容が非常に劣化しているという印象でした。批判的分析が非常に少なく、単なる事実の浅薄な紹介・解説に終わっているのがほとんどです。なぜこうなるのか ― その重大な理由の一つは、おそらく、彼/彼女たちの研究目的からは、軍暴力の被害者の「痛み」をどのように且ついかに深く理解し、「痛み」を与えた者にいかなる「責任」があり、その「責任」をいかに追求するか、ということがスッポリと抜け落ちているからだろうと思います。したがって、研究発表を聴いていても、無味乾燥で、全く私の心に響いてこないのです。戦争暴力・戦争犯罪の研究が、なぜこんな状況になってしまったのでしょうか……


この学会の内容について、詳しくは後日、このブログで報告しますが、今回は3つほど情報の紹介です。まず1つ目は、その日本の戦争犯罪の代表的なケースである、731部隊による人体実験のマルタと呼ばれた被害者と、インドネシアのロームシャ(労務者=強制労働の被害者)をテーマにした絵画と詩、音楽の見事な共演を企画し演じられた、私の研究上の大先輩である、慶應大学名誉教授の松村高夫氏の Youtube を紹介いたします。「ロームシャ」はとくに、日本軍の混合予防ワクチンの人体実験の被害者となったインドネシア人ロームシャを取り上げています。


1)「マルタ」と「ロームシャ」を鎮魂する 詩

Requiem for Maruta and Romusha Reading.




(混合予防ワクチンの人体実験の被害者となったロームシャについては、http://yjtanaka.blogspot.com/2021/08/blog-post.html もご参照ください)



2)Hihukusho ラジオ 第100回(トーク「広島を斬る!」:宮崎園子/ フリージャーナリスト×田中利幸/ 歴史評論家) 2024830










20241021() 13:3016:15


* 基調講演


―「過去の克服」を失敗に終わらせた「戦後国家三原理」の矛盾から考える ―


*講師 田中利幸さん



略歴  田中利幸さん  歴史学者(専攻は戦争犯罪史、戦争史)


日本語の著書に『検証「戦後民主主義」 わたしたちはなぜ戦争責任問題を解決できないのか』(三一書房)、『空の戦争史』(講談社現代新書)、『知られざる戦争犯罪』(大月書店)、共著に『原発とヒロシマ「原子力平和利用の真相」』 (岩波ブックレット)。編著に『戦争犯罪の構造』(大月書店)、共編著に『再論 東京裁判』(大月書店)。翻訳書にジョン・ダワー著 『アメリカ 暴力の世紀: 第二次大戦以降の戦争とテロ』(岩波書店)、ハワード・ジン著『テロリズムと戦争』(大月書店)などがある。



*テーマ  今の本願寺教団は再び戦争協力という過ちを犯さないか?


*提案者  小武正教 浄土真宗本願寺派 西善寺住職




*参加協力  500

オンライン(ZOOM) 必ずメールで申し込みをお願いします(事務局からの返信にて受付とします)

念仏者九条の会事務局  小武正教 odake@orange.ocn.ne.jp :080-5233-3429

主催  念仏者九条の会  非戦平和を願う真宗門徒の会




Open Letter of Protest against the Mayor of Berlin and the District Director of Mitte






Der Regierende Bürgermeister von Berlin
- Senatskanzlei -
Mr. Kai Wegner 

Jüdenstraße 1
10178 Berlin


Bezirksbürgermeisterin von Bezirk-Mitte

Ms. Stefanie Remlinger

Mathilde-Jacob-Platz 1
10551 Berlin



Dear Mr. Kai Wegner and Ms. Stefanie Remlinger,


You, Mr. Kai Wegner, Mayor of Berlin, visited Japan in May this year and met with the Japanese Foreign Minister, Yoko Kamikawa, in Tokyo. According to media reports, during this meeting you stated that you were “in favor of monuments against violence against women, but they should not be one-sided expressions” and that “it is important to make a change.” There were reports of speculation that you made this statement with the intention of removing the “Statue of Peace” (the so-called “Statue of a Girl”) in the Mitte District.


Shortly after Mayor Wegner’s return to Germany, it was reported that you, Ms. Remlinger, the District Director of Mitte, had informed the Education and Culture Committee of the Mitte District Council that you planned to remove the Statue of Peace in September. This was exactly what many citizens of Berlin who have worked hard to install and maintain the Statue of Peace were speculating and worrying about, and many other citizens of Korea, Japan and the rest of the world who support the activities of German fellow citizens in Berlin were also afraid. On 19 July, you, Ms. Remlinger, met with the Korean-German citizens’ group, the Korea Verband, which had erected the statue, and told them that if they did not remove the statue by 28 September, the date on which the statue’s installation permit expires, you would continue to fine them until they did so. According to media reports, Mr. Wegner and you also said that you had a plan to install a symbol of remembrance for all victims of wartime sexual violence in Mitte by April next year.


We assume that behind this sudden change by the City of Berlin and the Mitte District, you both have finally succumbed to political pressure from the Japanese government, which has repeatedly demanded that the German government and the Mitte District remove the Statue of Peace, claiming that it is “not based on historical facts.”


We will not go into detail about the historical facts of Japanese military sex slavery, as it is a long story. However, one important point should be made. This is that, on 4 August 1993, the then Japanese government (Kiichi Miyazawa’s cabinet) published the results of a comprehensive investigation into the issue, in which it clearly acknowledged that the Japanese military and government were directly involved in the establishment of the sex slave station, the so-called “comfort stations,” and at the same time, the then Chief Cabinet Secretary, Yohei Kono, in his statement (the so-called Kono Report), clearly acknowledged the responsibility of the Japanese government. The investigation referred to a total of more than 260 documents confirming the fact of the forced sexual enslavement of women, including the records of the Batavia Tribunal, a war crimes trial conducted by the Netherlands in 1948, and other relevant reports prepared by the US military during the war, as well as interviews with 16 actual female victims and some 15 people involved in running the “military comfort station.”


However, from the beginning of 2014, then Prime Minister Shinzo Abe had LDP lawmakers who were supporters of Abe make strong demands for a review of the Kono Statement, and on 20 June that year a report on the findings of the Review Committee, History of the exchange between Japan and South Korea over the comfort women issue: from the Kono Statement creation to the Asian Women's Fund, was released. However, the Review Committee did not investigate or examine the key documents used to draft the Kono Statement. Instead, the Review Committee’s report was drafted with the malicious political intention of creating the impression both at home and abroad that the Kono Statement was created in response to a strong, unilateral demand from South Korea, reluctantly acknowledging the existence of forced sexual slavery after being forced to accept the South Koreans’ strong unilateral demand.


This distortion of history has since been inherited by the Japanese government and is now being continued by the current Kishida administration. In short, the Japanese government has been blatantly lying to the world about the “historical facts” of Japanese military sexual slavery for the past decade, and has shamelessly pressured foreign governments to accept these lies.


There are around 30 “Statues of Peace” - with different names such as “girl statues,” “comfort women memorials” and “peace monuments” - all linked to Japanese military sexual slavery, which have been erected around the world. The Statues of Peace began to be erected abroad, starting with the installation of one in front of the public library in Glendale City Park in California, USA, in 2013. However, systematic obstruction by the Japanese government and embassies based on false claims has led to the removal of the Statues of Peace erected in countries around the world. The Girl Statue installed at the Women’s House in San Pedro City, Philippines, on 28 December 2018 was removed in just two days due to Japanese diplomatic pressure.


Despite this continued obstruction by the Japanese government, a Statue of Peace symbolizing the victims of Japanese military sexual slavery was installed on the seafront in the town of Stintino on the picturesque Italian island of Sardinia on 22 June this year. The inscription on the statue reads in Korean, Italian and English: “It is very unfortunate that the Japanese government continues to deny the existence of ‘comfort women’ and is pursuing attempts to remove the Statue of Peace in many countries, including Germany and the Philippines.” Ms. Rita Vallebella, the Mayor of Stintino reportedly told a local newspaper that she was “proud to accept the statue of the girl as a universal symbol of the fight against crimes against women, both in times of peace and war.” (emphasis added)


In other words, the mayor of Stintino, the members of the city council who approved the installation of the statue, and the State Agency for Cultural Heritage, which officially registered the statue as a cultural asset, clearly see the Statue of Peace in a chimachogori (Korean traditional dress) not only as a representative of Korean victims, but as a “universal symbol of the fight against crimes against women.” Why do they have such an understanding, unlike you two, the Mayor of Berlin and the District Director of Mitte?


In considering the reasons for this, it is necessary to understand the very specific nature of Japanese military sex slavery, although the violent sexual exploitation of women by the military is indeed a universal problem found in many parts of the world and throughout history. However, in the case of Japanese military sex slavery, there are the following five special features compared to military-controlled prostitution or sex slavery in other countries:


(1) Geographical extent (throughout Asia and the Pacific, very specific in terms of the length of distances women were moved. It is comparable to the distance black slaves were moved from different parts of Africa to the Americas).

(2) The sheer number of women who were sexually exploited (estimated at between 80,000 and 100,000).

(3) The multi-ethnicity of the sexually exploited women (Koreans, Chinese, Taiwanese, Filipinas, Indonesians, Dutch, Melanesians from the Southwest Pacific Islands, and Japanese).

(4) The intensity and duration of sexual violence against women (years of sex-slave-like treatment, often violent, in conditions similar to prison).

5) Control by the military leadership and the government (direct involvement of the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs).


In other words, as a form of military sex slavery, it is one of the most serious and large-scale human rights violations in history, and there is no other example of such a horrific form of sexual violence and sexual exploitation by a national government and its military forces, even if there are similar, smaller examples (such as the long-term imprisonment and rape during the Bosnian War). In this sense, keeping this Japanese military sex slavery in people’s minds on a global scale is very useful for thinking about and remembering many other military sexual violence and sexual crimes in this context. Therefore, the Mayor of Stintino is truly right when she says that she is “proud to accept the statue of a young girl as a universal symbol of the fight against crimes against women, both in times of peace and war.”


By comparison, the very abstract “Monument against all wartime violence against women” proposed by you, the Mayor of Berlin and the Mayor of Mitte, without any reference to concrete examples of brutal cases of military sexual violence, does not have the power to speak strongly and deeply to the hearts and minds of those who see it. In the end, such monuments end up with the idea that “wartime sexual violence is not unusual because it is often seen everywhere and at all times, and we do not feel personally responsible for such atrocities,” and so in the end no one takes responsibility.


On the other hand, in the case of Japanese military sexual slavery, continuing to hold the Japanese government accountable for its refusal to take responsibility for the massive and long-standing perpetration of such severe sexual violence in the form of such monuments should also teach us the importance of holding other forms of sexual violence accountable in order to prevent future sexual violence. Already, the Statue of Peace in the Mitte district is fulfilling such a role well.


We, the citizens of Hiroshima, urge the Mayor of Berlin and the District Director of Mitte to reconsider the above, to reflect on the historical significance of the current Peace Statue in Mitte and the many possibilities for its future use, and to reverse its removal and make it a permanent memorial.


Yours sincerely,


August 2, 2024


Shuichi Adachi, Yuki Tanaka, and Keiko Doi

Co-Chairs of

Hiroshima Network for the Solution of Japan’s Military “Comfort Women” Issues

Mail Box 132, Hiroshima City Citizens’ Plaza, Fukuro-Machi 6-36, Naka-Ku, Hiroshima City, Japan 730-0036



ベルリン市ミッテ区長 シュテファニー・レムリンガーさま

ベルリン市長 カイ・ヴェグナーさま
















そんな日本政府の執拗な妨害にもかかわらず、今年622日には、イタリアの風光明媚なサルデーニャ島のスティンティーノ市の海辺に、日本軍性奴隷制度の被害者を象徴する「平和の像」が設置されました。この少女像と共に設置された碑文には、「日本政府が引き続き『慰安婦』の存在を否定し、ドイツ、フィリピンなど多くの国で平和の少女像を撤去しようとする試みを進めているのは、非常に残念 なことだ」と、日本政府の責任を厳しく問う表現が、韓国語とイタリア語と英語で書かれています。リタ・バッレベッラ市長は、地元新聞に「平時と戦時にかかわらず、女性に対する犯罪に対抗して戦う普遍的な象徴となる少女像を受け入れることができて誇りに思う」(強調:引用者)と述べたとのこと。 


つまり、 スティンティーノ市の市長をはじめ、設置を認めた市議会の議員たち、さらにはこの像を正式に文化財として登録した州政府文化財庁は、このチマチョゴリを着た「少女像」が、単に韓国人・朝鮮人の被害者を代表するものだけではなく、「女性に対する犯罪に対抗して戦う普遍的な象徴となる少女像」と捉えていることが、はっきりと分かります。ベルリン市長、ミッテ区長であるご両人と違って、なぜそのような理解になるのでしょうか。




















共同代表 足立修一  田中利幸  土井桂子 




Protesting against sexual violence committed by US soldiers stationed in Okinawa



The following two statements were recently posted on Facebook in protest at the ongoing sexual violence committed by US soldiers stationed in Okinawa.



1)Statement made on 14 July by Ms. Yukako Sonan, a civilian resident of Miyako Island in the Okinawa Islands


The original Japanese text posted on Facebook follows the text of the English translation below. フェイスブックに掲載された日本語のオリジナル原稿は、英語翻訳版の後に記載しました。)


This is what I said at the press conference:

This time, we had a new protest banner. It reads “Over 1,000 Cases of Sexual Violence by US Soldiers in Okinawa (1945 - December 2021)” and it was taken from the booklet Sexual Crimes Committed against Women by US Soldiers in Okinawa (13th revised edition), published by the Women's Association for No Toleration of Military Bases and Armed Forces.


It is incredible to think that only one tenth of the recorded sex crimes committed by US soldiers stationed in Okinawa have come to light to date.* When one wonders how many crimes actually go unchecked, it is almost as if Okinawa is a lawless zone for the US military and US soldiers. (*This is an estimate based on the latest information from the Okinawa-wide survey conducted by the Women’s Association for No Toleration of Military Bases and Armed Forces, which suggests that as many as 9,000 sex crimes may have gone unchecked).


As a mother and a woman, I am filled with a deep sense of outrage and sadness when I think of the emotional and physical trauma that the victims have endured. As with recent cases of sexual violence, I feel a strong desire to stand up and make a real difference.


We believe that serious efforts are needed to bring about change. We are ready and willing to make a difference. We believe that we can make a real difference for those of us who live in the present and for the children who will live in Okinawa in the future.


Each year, many young people embark on exciting new adventures when they leave the islands to pursue further education or employment opportunities. It is a real shame for the hopeful children and the parents who send them away that they do not feel safe. We want Okinawa’s elected members of the Diet (the Japanese parliament) to take a strong and decisive stand on this issue. We want them to expose the truth about the Japanese government’s cover-up and hold those responsible to account.


There is also a need to investigate whether there were problems with police administration, such as whether the Okinawa Prefectural Police, who were also complicit in the cover-up, have been held accountable and reprimanded. And we could also investigate whether the victims have received the care and support they deserve. I want the members of the prefectural assembly to work hard on this.


It is so important that we, the citizens, are kept up to date and informed. That assurance  is fundamental to the realization of democracy. I really believe that there should be voices from within the ruling party, the Liberal Democratic Party, questioning the cover-up. I feel a sense of crisis that such voices are not being heard from the center of the nation.


An article in today’s Okinawa Times states that “Regarding the arrest and detection of sexual crimes committed by US military personnel, it was found that, since at least 2021, prefectural police outside Okinawa, where major US military facilities are located, have also not disclosed the cases to the press. A number of sexual assaults by US soldiers have been uncovered in Okinawa Prefecture since June, but the fact that neither the prefectural police nor the district attorney’s office have disclosed any of the cases is a serious problem. It is possible that they are also withholding press releases nationwide.”


It is time to broaden the campaign for revision of the US-Japan Status of Forces Agreement, not only in Okinawa but throughout Japan, and to make every effort to achieve it.


It has been 80 years since the end of the Asia-Pacific War and 50 years since Okinawa was reunited with Japan. It is time for the Japanese government to do better. We, the people, have the power to demand better from our government. Let’s call them out for their lack of diplomacy and incompetence. They have failed to secure a review of the US-Japan Status of Forces Agreement, even though both countries claim to be important allies. It is time for a change!


A group of civilians from Miyako Island at the press conference, protesting against sexual violence committed by U.S. soldiers in Okinawa. Photo provided by Ms. Sonan.


宮古島 楚南有香子さんのFacebookから。







今回、バナーに「沖縄の米兵の性暴力件数1000(1945年~202112)」と上げていますが、これは「基地・軍隊を許さない女たちの会」が発行している冊子「沖縄・米兵による女性への性犯罪 改訂版第13版」から引用しています。























Posted on Facebook on 18 July 2024


(この英語のオリジナル・メッセージの和訳は、英語メッセージの後に記載しました。The Japanese translation of this message follows the original English text below.)


(LILA PILIPINA is an organization of World War II “comfort women” – victims of wartime military sexual slavery by Japanese Imperial Army. Lila Pilipina expresses solidarity with the victims and their families, and the Okinawan people protesting the recent cases of military sexual violence committed by US servicemen in the island.)


The series of cases, which began in 2023, only recently came to public knowledge, kept out of the public eye by both US and national authorities in Japan, presumably in an attempt to stifle protests by the Japanese people. The latest case, according to international news reports, occurred in May this year.


These cases involved kidnappings and sexual assault against young Okinawan women and girls committed by US soldiers. Okinawa hosts several US bases in the island and has a Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) with the US which supposedly includes guidelines on the handling of cases of erring soldiers stationed or on missions in Japan.


These cases come as the latest in a long list of sexual violence cases committed by US soldiers in its decades-long history of military occupation of weaker countries or where it installs military facilities. These countries include the Philippines, Japan, South Korea, Colombia, Iraq, Vietnam during the 70’s US invasion of Indochina and others. Justice in majority of these cases have not been rendered and many victims continue to struggle for justice or recognition to this day, or still carry the trauma brought about by their experience in the hands of American soldiers.


That the US has pivoted to the Asia-Pacific region in its containment strategy against China does not portend well for women of the region. They are not only rendered vulnerable to acts of sexual violence committed by individual soldiers but are bound to be affected as well by the proliferation of the sex trade in areas where US military facilities operate.


Worse, in the Philippines, US political and economic dominance has never really made justice fully possible for victims of sexual violence perpetrated by US troops. Lila Pilipina echoes the calls of the Okinawan peoples for justice for the victims and the removal of the US Bases in Japan.


We reiterate as well calls for the scrapping of military agreements between the US and the Philippine governments that allow the use of Philippine territory for the war operations of the US and its Western allies.


Militarism and wars of aggression have always bred not just the massive destruction of lives and properties. Rape and other forms of abuse against women of the occupied nation have always been utilized by occupying powers as a weapon for subjugating peoples. Lila Pilipina has struggled for justice for comfort women and will always support the struggles of victims of other cases of military sexual violence.


リラ・ピリピナ 沖縄における最近の軍性暴力事件に関する声明

2024718日 フェイスブックに掲載


(リラ・ピリピナは、第二次世界大戦中の日本帝国軍による戦時軍性奴隷制のフィリッピン女性犠牲者たち ― いわゆる「慰安婦」 ― とその支援者の団体である。リラ・ピリピナは、被害者とその家族、そして最近沖縄で起きている米軍兵士による性的暴力に抗議する沖縄の人々との連帯をここに表明する。)






これらの事件は、数十年にわたる弱小国での軍事占領や軍事施設設置の歴史の中で、米兵が犯した性暴力事件の最新のケースである。これらの国々には、フィリピン、日本、韓国、コロンビア、イラク、70年代の米軍インドシナ侵攻時のベトナムなどが含まれている。このようなケースの大半で正義は果たされておらず、多くの被害者が今日に至るまで正義や事実認知を求めて闘い続けているか、 あるいは、アメリカ兵の手によってもたらされた心的外傷をいまだに抱えている。









