2023年 年末メッセージ(日本語版は英語版の後をご覧ください)
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Michael Leunig is an Australian cartoonist, writer, painter, philosopher and poet |
美と真実とは いったい何か
残酷と狂気とは いったい何か
In addition to many casualties from the ongoing war in Ukraine since last February, the Israeli-Hamas conflict that started on 7 October this year has reportedly resulted in the deaths of over 20,000 people in the Gaza Strip. This includes 14,200 children and women, with 6,700 people missing. The number of casualties continues to rise every day due to indiscriminate Israeli attacks. Hospitals are frequently targeted unlawfully, and the media often reports on the cries of children who have lost their parents and parents who have lost their children. It is challenging to watch such news without feeling emotional.
Meanwhile, at the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP28), held in Dubai from the end of last month to the middle of this month, around 200 participating countries reached an agreement on phasing out fossil fuels. However, the UK is pursuing large-scale new oil field development in the North Sea, and the US Biden administration is similarly pushing for large-scale fossil fuel development. Thus, the COP28 agreement has failed to hold economic superpower-polluters accountable for their role in climate change and their lack of support for those already suffering from its severe effects. Additionally, the use of weapons, missiles, shells, and ammunition in long-running wars has resulted in an unimaginable amount of CO2 emissions.
I have a grandson who is currently two years and four months old. I am concerned about the future of his generation and the challenges they may face. It is imperative for us to make sure that they have hope for a better future. I want them to be able to achieve their aspirations as young adults. Our generation has a social responsibility to address the issues of armed conflicts and global warming seriously. We have allowed many destructive conflicts to occur and have caused significant damage to the environment.
Therefore, this year's music selection aims to inspire “hope.” Before I begin, I would like to play two pieces of music in memory of those who have passed away this year.
1) BARBER Adagio for Strings
Leonard Slatkin conducting Detroit Symphony Orchestra
This exquisitely sad piece was originally the second movement of Samuel Barber's String Quartet Op. 11 from 1936. Since it was performed at John F Kennedy's funeral on 22 November 1965, it has often been played at public funerals or memorial services. Leonard Slatkin is a descendant of a Jewish family who immigrated to the USA from Ukraine, and both of his parents were musicians. Slatkin has composed several pieces of music, including The Raven for narrator and orchestra, based on Edgar Alan Poe.
2) Honshirabe (Player): This is my own Shakuhachi performance. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/qpf695gtj86l9ny/AAB0x9vyq9B27KJx6I2pU2bLa?dl=0&preview=1.+Honshirabe.wav
3) Yo-Yo Ma - Bach and the Struggle for Hope
Yo-Yo Ma eloquently explains that the Sarabande movement in Bach's Suite No. 5 for Unaccompanied Cello expresses man's struggle for hope through its alternating high and low notes, symbolizing the repetition of attempting to climb to the heights of the sky with hope, only to have that hope crushed as if pulled back by the earth's gravity. According to Yo-Yo Ma, the “struggle for hope” was a problem for human society in 1722 when Bach composed it, and it still remains a problem today. The entire Suite No. 5 for Unaccompanied Cello, not just the Sarabande, seems to express this struggle for hope vividly.
On 5 September 2015, Yo-Yo Ma performed this entire suite of six pieces at the Royal Albert Hall in London, with no score at all, and for two and a half hours straight, with no intermission. It is a remarkable performance. Fortunately, the entire performance is available on YouTube. The "Suite No. 5 for Unaccompanied Cello" can be seen on YouTube below. The movement Sarabande is from 15:18 to 18:47.
4) Dmitry Masleev: Marcello — Bach, Adagio from Oboe Concerto d-moll
Performed by Dmitry Masleev.
This is the second movement of Concerto d-Moll BWV 974, an oboe concerto by the Italian composer Alessandro Marcello (1669-1747), arranged by J. S. Bach for solo clavier keyboard. The piece has a beautiful and melancholic melody, conveying a deep tenderness that offers solace even as it expresses grief at the loss of a loved one, for example. It seems to me that the song reveals a quiet sense of hope. The pianist performing is Dmitry Masleev, a young Russian musician in his mid-30s who won the 2015 Tchaikovsky International Piano Competition. His performance is characterized by great delicacy and beauty.
5) G.F. Handel: As steals the morn (L'Allegro, HWV 55)
Duet: Amanda Forsythe & Thomas Cooley
L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato (The Cheerful, the Thoughtful and the Moderate) HWV 55 is a pastoral ode composed by G.F. Handel in 1740, based on the poetry of John Milton. The duet sung in the third and final part of this three-part solo and choral work by Handel seems to me to be an upbeat song of "hope" that an intelligence based on truth will triumph over a devastated world.
As steals the morn upon the night,
And melts the shades away:
So Truth does Fancy’s charm dissolve,
And rising Reason puts to flight
The fumes that did the mind involve,
Restoring intellectual day.
The duet features Amanda Forsythe, a specialist baroque singer from the USA who appears to be based in London, as the soprano. Forsythe has an unusual background, having studied marine biology as a student. The tenor is Thomas Cooley, an internationally successful musician who specializes in Baroque music, particularly Bach and Handel, but has a wide repertoire ranging from Renaissance to contemporary music. Both singers possess exceptional vocal abilities.
6) G. F. Händel – “Tu del ciel ministro eletto” from “Il trionfo del Tempo e del Disinganno” (1707)
A song was sung in Handel's 1707 allegorical drama about the importance of time and enlightenment over fleeting things such as beauty and pleasure.
Thou of Heaven's Elect Minister
Thou of Heaven's chosen minister,
Thou shalt no longer see in my breast
Treacherous desire, or vain ardour
And if I live ungrateful to God
Thou guardian of my heart
Bring to him the new heart.
I am an atheist, but I listen to this short but beautiful song repeatedly, which suggests that hope is born out of respect for time and enlightenment. It is unclear why, but it brings tears to my eyes, every time I listen to it.
The singer is soprano Julia Lezhneva. She was born in 1989 on Sakhalin Island into a family of geophysicists and started playing the piano and singing at the age of five. In her late teens, she won various international competitions one after another, and in 2009 she won first prize at the Mirjam Helin International Vocal Competition in Helsinki, and the following year first prize at the International Opera Competition in Paris, where she was the youngest participant in both competitions in history. She is now very active all over the world. She has a very “clear tone” voice. I hope to hear her sing live one day.
I wish you all a peaceful end to the year 2023.
2023年 年末メッセージ
1) サミュエル・バーバー作曲 『弦楽のためのアダージョ』
レオナード・スラットキン指揮 デトロイト交響楽団演奏
この絶妙に美しく哀しい曲は、もともとはサミュエル・バーバーが1936年に作曲した弦楽四重奏曲作品11の第2楽章です。1965年11月22日のジョン・F・ケネディの葬儀で演奏されて以来、公的な葬儀や追悼式でしばしば演奏されています。レナード・スラットキンは、ウクライナからアメリカに移住したユダヤ人一家の3世代目で、両親ともに音楽家でした。スラットキンは、エドガー・アラン・ポーの詩を題材にした『The Raven(わたり烏)』という題名の、珍しい、語り手とオーケストラのための管弦楽曲なども作曲しています。
2)古典尺八曲 『本調べ(ほんしらべ)』
3) チェロ奏者 ヨーヨー・マーによるJ・S・バッハ作曲 『無伴奏チェロ組曲 第五番』 サラバンドの説明 「希望への苦闘」(3分ほどの、演奏を含んだ短い説明)
J・S・バッハ作曲『無伴奏チェロ組曲』には全部で6曲がありますが、その各曲が、前奏曲、アルマンド、クーラント、サラバンド、メヌエット(3、4番はブーレ、5、6番はガヴォット)、ジーグという6つの楽章に分かれています。ヨーヨー・マーによると、バッハの『無伴奏チェロ組曲 第五番』のサラバンドは、高音と低音が交互に繰り返されることで、希望を持って空の高みに登ろうとすると、地球の重力に引っ張り戻されるが如く希望が砕かれる ― その繰り返し、つまり「人間の希望への苦闘」が見事に表現されている、とのこと。この「希望への苦闘」は、バッハがこれを作曲した1722年の人間社会にとっても、また現在の私たちが直面している問題でもある、とヨーヨー・マーは述べています。私にとっては、サラバンドだけではなく、『無伴奏チェロ組曲 第五番』全体が、「希望への苦闘」を表現しているように思えます。
2015年9月5日、ヨーヨー・マーはロンドンのロイヤル・アルバート・ホールでこの全組曲6曲を、全く楽譜無しで、しかも休憩なしの2時間半のぶっ続けで演奏しました。驚くべき演奏です。幸いに、その全演奏がYouTubeで視聴できます。その『無伴奏チェロ組曲 第五番』を、下のYouTube で観ることができます。楽章サラバンドは15:18から18:47までです。
4) J・S・バッハ編曲「協奏曲ニ短調BVV974」第2楽章「アダージョ」
この曲は、イタリアの作曲家 Alessandro Marcelloアレッサンドロ・マルチェッロ(1669-1747)の、オーボエ協奏曲を、J・S・バッハがクラヴィーア独奏鍵盤の作品に編曲したConcerto d-Moll BWV974の第2楽章です。この曲も、バーバー作曲 『弦楽のためのアダージョ』と同じように、ひじょうに美しく物哀しいメロディーですが、例えば愛する人を亡くした悲しみを切々と歌う中にも、なにか心に平安を与えてくれる深いやさしさを秘めているような曲に私には想えます。その点で、静かな「希望」が見えるような曲に感じます。演奏はロシアの若手(30歳代半ば)のドミトリー・マスレエフで、2015年のチャイコフスキー国際ピアノコンクールで優勝しています。ひじょうに繊細で、綺麗な演奏をします。
5) G・F・ヘンデル作曲 『快活の人、沈思の人、温和の人』 (L'Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato)HWV 55より
6) G・F・ヘンデル作曲 オラトリオ 『時と悟りの勝利』より
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