「平和の碑」が広げつなぐメッセージ 女性の尊厳と
第二部: 報告2 最後の一言
on the online seminar The Message for Women's Dignity and Rights that the
Peace Statues Convey - Linking Melbourne and Berlin
II: Presentation 2 & The Ending Remarks
報告2 Presentation
梶村道子 Michiko Kajimura
Ari is part of the Mitte
District ! : Residents resist against interference
Transcript for the PowerPoint presentation by
Michiko Kajimura for the webinar The Message for Women's Dignity and
Rights that the Peace Statues Convey - Linking Melbourne and Berlin (17:00-19:30 Japan time, October 26, 20204)
梶村道子さん |
[Slide 1]
Ari is part of the Mitte
District ! : Residents resist against interference
[Slide 2 目次 The Table of Contents]
Good evening. May name is Kajimura. First of all, thank you, Christine, for
your strong words of encouragement for Berlin.
I have lived in the Mitte
district of Berlin for 38 years. In my talk today, I will be speaking under the
title of Ari is part of the Mitte
District ! : Residents resist against
As you all know,
the Mitte district has issued a “removal order” for the statue to its
installer, the Korea Council (hereafter Korea Verband), by the 31st of
this month. The
situation surrounding the statue took a sharp turn this spring and summer.
During the hot summer months, the Korea Verband and the citizens of the Mitte
district and the city of Berlin, who support the statues, made every effort to
prevent their removal. In the process, it became clear that the Japanese
government was exerting unimaginable pressure on the city of Berlin and the
Mitte district. Today I would like to tell you about these stories.
is the nickname of the so-called “Peace Girl Statue,” which was installed in
the Mitte district of Berlin four years ago. The original of this sculpture in
Seoul is called “Peace Monument,” but in Berlin it is called “Peace Statue” or
“Statue of Peace,” so I will use the term “Peace Statue” or “Statue” or “Ari”
for short.
[Slide 3 現況 The Present
is in her usual place, sitting on a chair. But it should be said that she is
not actually there yet. According to the 'removal order' sent to the Korea
Verband by the Mitte district, there are five days left in the grace period.
The Korea Verband appealed this 'removal order' to the Administrative Court on
October 10 and is awaiting its decision.
[Slide 4 設置からこれまでの経緯 History from installation to today]
start with a brief history from September 2020.
day after the unveiling ceremony on 28 September 2020, the Chief Cabinet
Secretary Kato of the Japanese government said, “It is extremely regrettable.
We will approach various people concerned and explain our country's position
and work towards the removal of the statue.” On 7 October, the Mitte Ward
District Office withdrew its approval and issued an order for the statue’s
removal. On 5 November, the Mitte Ward District Council (hereafter “District
Council”) declared its support for the statue, and on 1 December, the District
Council passed a resolution calling for the statue to be permanently installed.
should be recalled that in January 2021, a proposal was submitted to the
District Council to “organize a competition for a statue to commemorate sexual
violence against women in armed conflict.” The proposal was amended and passed
by the District Council in August, but this resolution later developed into a
project in which the Mitte district entered into a partnership with the city of
Berlin and the federal government to create a universal memorial to sexual
violence committed during armed conflicts. The fact that the proponents, the
Free Democrats, have consistently opposed the statue from the outset.
the two proposals forwarded in March 2021 and June 2022 by political parties
supporting the retention of the statue were also passed.
why, you may ask, is the Mitte Ward Mayor not following the decision of the
District Council? The decision of the District Council is not binding on the
Ward District. The purpose of the District Council resolution is that “the Ward
shall consider measures to implement the resolution of the Ward District
Council, which represents the will of the people of the ward,” but the Ward can
say that it has tried its best, but it can no longer do so.
November 2022, the newly elected mayor told the Education Committee that the
statue would continue to remain for another two years. In January 2023,
however, it became apparent that that decision had not been authorized and was
being treated as “permissible.
[Slide 5
ベルリン市長と上川外相の会談 Meeting between the
Mayor of Berlin and Japanese Foreign Minister Kamikawa]
a year and a half of this state of affairs, things took a sudden turn at the
beginning of summer this year. On 16 May, the mayor of Berlin, who was visiting
Japan to mark the 30th anniversary of the Berlin-Tokyo sister city agreement,
met with Japanese Foreign Minister Kamikawa and told her that he intended to
resolve the “problem” of the “comfort women” memorial. A press release issued
on the same day said “The mayor is in talks with relevant stakeholders and with
the Mitte District and federal governments on the issue, and it is important
that ‘change is achieved.’ We are willing to work with monuments against
violence against women in times of armed conflicts, but unilateral statements
will not be tolerated. We intend to involve the Japanese Ambassador in these
the time, the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs also reported on its website
about the meeting between the mayor of Berlin and Foreign Minister Kamikawa.
However, the following is missing from the Japanese Foreign Ministry’s website.
The mayor said that “the Japanese ambassador will also take part in these
talks.” That’s why the Japanese mass media didn’t report it at all. What is the
purpose of the mayor’s press release? Is it just a pick-off play against the
Mitte District?
[Slide 6 キャンペーン「皆がアリのために!」始まる The campaign “We All For ARI !” begins]
フットワークが良い日本出身の若い人たちが、5月24日にベルリン市庁舎前で、抗議集会を開きます。6月7日には、コリア協議会によるonline-Petition Save ARI!がスタートします。署名は、これまでに44,000筆を超えました。
this press release came as a shock to those in Mitte district who support the
statue. In addition, shortly afterwards, a political advisor to the Mitte
District Mayor verbally informed the Korea Verband that acceptance of statue
would not be extended. Various measures were immediately devised and organized
to prevent the statue's removal. Young people from Japan did the footwork and
immediately organized a protest rally in front of Berlin City Hall on 24 May,
and on 7 June the Korea Verband launched the online petition “Save ARI!,” which
has more than 48,000 signatures to date.
[Slide 7 「右翼に対抗するおばあちゃんたち」 “Grandmothers Against the Right”]
the second Wednesday of every month, the organization called “Grandmothers
Against the Right” hold a rally in front of the statue, and the rally on 12
June marked the start of the campaign in a public space. Since then, there have
been weekly events of varying sizes in front of the statue. The rally was used
to launch a postcard campaign to the Mitte District Mayor, urging her to keep
the statue in place.
[Slide 8 「紛争下の性暴力根絶のための国際デー」 International Day for the Eradication of Sexual Violence
in Conflict]
19 June, the International Day for the Eradication of Sexual Violence in Armed
Conflict was held, as in previous years, jointly by the Korea Verband
and the Berlin Women’s Association. As in previous years, feminist organizations with immigrant roots gathered to hear the following
statement: “The Peace Statue must remain in Moabit! The federal government and
the city of Berlin must not interfere in the affairs of the district. The
federal government and the city of Berlin must protect civil society from
[Slide 9 住民参加1 Resident participation (1)]
the systems that allow citizens to participate directly in the Ward District
administration, they began to put pressure on the District Council and the
District Administration. One of these systems is citizens’ questions to the
District Council, and two residents from the Mitte Ward asked questions at the
District Council meeting on 20 June.
of the two residents, Gary, asked whether the mayor’s view that the statue was
one-sided and should be removed was generally shared by the residents of the
Ward, while the other resident, Masao, said that statues of peace were needed
now as wars were still being fought around the world, and asked about the
possibility of keeping the statue. There was a rally in support of these two
questioners outside the District Council meeting.
that day at the community meeting, councilors from the Social Democrats, the
Left Party and the Greens, who support the statue, proposed “The statue must
stay” and put a motion on the agenda. The proposal was sent to the Education
Committee on 10 July and will be discussed again at the next District Council
meeting in September.
[Slide 10住民参加2 Resident participation (2)]
system of community participation is the residents’ petition, which allows a
proposal to be put to the District Council, but requires the signatures of
1,000 community residents. The petition must have been submitted to the
Chairman of the District Council by the end of July in order to reach the
Council in time for the September meeting. There were concerns about whether
1,000 signatures would be collected and whether the Council secretariat would
be able to properly process the signatures submitted during the summer
[Slide 11住民参加3 Resident
participation (3)]
2,216 signatures were collected within two weeks. These signatures, along with
the petition, were handed to the District Council Chairman on 31 July and were
due to be discussed at the District Council meeting on 19 September. The total
number of signatures is 3,311, including more than 1,000 that were subsequently
submitted to the Korea Verband. As the population of the Mitte Ward is
over 390,000, this represents about 1% of the population of the Ward.
[Slide 12 教育プロジェクトへの市長の介入1 Berlin
Mayor’s intervention in education project (1)]
early August, the local mass media reported that the mayor of Berlin had
intervened in the review of an educational project for which the Korea Verband
had applied for a grant from the Berlin Foundation for Cultural and Educational
Projects. The report suggested that this was due to pressure from the Japanese
2021, the Korea Verband has received a grant from the Foundation for the
project “Sit next to me!” In April they found out that the project they had
applied for this time had not been approved by the Education Advisory
Committee, despite the unanimous recommendation of the Review Committee. This
was just before the mayor’s visit to Japan.
to reports, one member of the advisory committee, Undersecretary of Youth Affairs, Ministry of Education, told
the committee at the beginning of the meeting that he had received a phone call
from the mayor asking him not to approve funding for the project because of
problems with the Japanese government. Prior to the committee meeting, a
cultural attaché from the Japanese embassy hosted several members of the
committee in a hotel restaurant in an attempt to persuade them to oppose the
response to media enquiries, the Japanese Embassy said: “The project is
complicit with the statue and promotes a one-sided narrative. It will create
anti-Japanese sentiment among young people who do not have sufficient knowledge
about Asia.” It is recalled that in the past a school project of the Korea
Verband had to be cancelled due to the interference of the Japanese Embassy.
[Slide 13教育プロジェクトへの市長の介入2 Berlin Mayor’s intervention in education project (2)]
next to me!” is an awareness-raising program for young people run by the Korea
Verband since 2021. Using the Peace Statue and the exhibition at the Korea
Verband’s “Comfort Women Museum” as teaching materials, students learn about
the structural nature of sexual violence and the problems caused by
colonialism, and have the opportunity to reflect on their own experiences and
family history. The issue of the Japanese military’s “comfort women” is an
entry point for such learning.
On 17 September, after the summer holidays,
the staff association of the Fritz -Karsen School, which is continuously
involved in the project, issued a statement of protest entitled “Defend
democratic education: 'Sit next to me!’ to continue the project!” Below is a
quote from the protest statement.
The staff association at Fritz-Karsen School opposes interference in the school’s
project work and democratic learning. We are appalled that democratic education
has been played into the hands of national and political interests. We demand a
review of project funding decisions. We demand that democratic education and
democratic action in schools be promoted and not thwarted.
school’s project leader and students took part in a rally in front of the
District Council Building on 19 September, where they read out this statement
and made speeches calling for the Statue of Ali to continue.
[Slide 14日本軍「慰安婦」メモリアルデー1 Japanese Army “Comfort Women” Memorial Day (1)]
14 August, the Japanese Women’s Initiative Berlin, the Korea Verband and other
Korean organizations usually hold a rally in front of the Brandenburg Gate to
commemorate the Japanese Army’s “Comfort Women.” This year they decided to hold
it in front of the statue to support its continued existence.
impact of the recent campaign and the aforementioned exposé was undeniably
significant, with a total of 300 people attending. People even spilled onto the
pavements around the small square.
[Slide 15日本軍「慰安婦」メモリアルデー2 Japanese
Military “Comfort Women” Memorial Day (2)]
theme of the rally is: “Peace statues must remain! Remember the victims of
‘comfort women’! Say no to all forms of sexual violence! The Japanese Women’s
Initiative Berlin read out the testimonies of nine survivors of Japanese
military sexual slavery, confirming that, contrary to the Japanese government’s
insistence that the “comfort women” issue be reduced to a diplomatic issue
between Japan and South Korea, it is an issue that affects women victims in
many parts of Asia. A national newspaper quoted the testimonies of Rosalind
from Malaysia, Marta from East Timor and Mardyiem from Indonesia.
[Slide 16日本軍「慰安婦」メモリアルデー3
Japanese Military “Comfort Women” Memorial
Day (3)]
was followed by a speech marathon of 26 people. These 26 individuals included
residents' groups, feminist organizations, trade unions, ward councilors,
political party youth organizations and neighborhood residents. The rally,
which was planned to last one and a half hours, ended up lasting two and a half
hours, as applications for participation were not received until the morning of
the day of the event.
[Slide 17 9月19日区議会 19 September District Council meeting]
the District Council meeting on 19 September, a petition from residents and a
proposal from the three parties were accepted after an hour of debate. The
content of this proposal is to ask the Mitte Ward to ensure that the Peace
Statue is maintained in Mitte Ward in the long term. Specifically, the council
is asked to examine the legal and regulatory possibilities for extending the
permit status and to investigate the possibility of maintaining the statue
through long-term rental, donation or competition.
the Mitte Ward mayor insisted for 20 minutes that, according to administrative
regulations, the display of private works of art in public spaces that have not
gone through a competition is not allowed for more than two years. 0ne of the
representatives of the residents countered that the Peace Statue is a monument!
Yet, the mayor insisted that only works that have gone through a competition
are the right kind of monuments.
― 平和の像アリは残る!」という集会は、4時間に及びました。
front of the District Council building, citizens held a gathering over four
hours under the slogan “We are serious - the peace statue will stay!”
[Slide 18撤去命令 Order to remove the statue]
the 24th of September, five days after the District Council meeting,
the mayor invited the Korea Verband to a meeting and proposed that the statue
be moved to a private site. The Korea Verband did not accept the unilateral
condition that the statue be moved within four weeks without revealing the
specific location, and on the 26th the Korea Verband sent another compromise
proposal to the Ward office through its lawyer. However, on the previous day,
the 25th, the Ward Mayor issued a press release announcing that negotiations
had broken down and that the Ward had been forced to issue a “removal order.”
Thus, a compromise offer from Korea Verband had been rejected.
to the “removal order,” if the statue is not removed by the 31st of this month,
a fine of 3,000 euros will be imposed. The Korea Verband has appealed to the
Administrative Court on October 10.
[Slide 19 日本政府の介入 Japanese government intervention]
a district council meeting on 19 September, Mitte Mayor Remlinger admitted that
there had been pressure from Japan and South Korea. It was also reported that
the Japanese Ambassador to Germany, who gave a farewell speech to the
German-Japanese Society the following day, 20 September, mentioned the statue
at the end of his speech. The Ambassador said that the removal of the statue
had been his mission during his four years in office and that “both the Mayor
of Mitte and the Mayor of Berlin understood Japan’s position very well and did
their best. However, the majority of the District Councilors remains opposed.”
The Japanese government has been trying to remove the statues since
they were first installed four years ago. We knew from occasional news
reports, from previous cases in Germay and even from the testimony of
local councilors that Japanese interference had continued since then.
But interference by Mitte Ward Mayor and Belin Mayor, as in the
blocking of the education project, was beyond our imagination.
It means another dimension.
German media - three print and one broadcast - did a great job again. The local
public broadcaster covered the story on its radio and TV programs. However, the
Japanese government's interference also extended to the local mass media, with
the Japanese embassy even contacting journalists covering the peace statue. The
government's pressure to interfere in the world of mass media, which is
unfortunately well known in Japan, has been extended to the world of foreign
[Slide 20ドイツ各地の展示への介入 Interventions in
exhibitions around Germany]
The following
table shows the cases where peace statues have been temporarily or permanently
exhibited in various parts of Germany, or where the Japanese Government’s
intervention has put a halt to the project. There are bronze statues (B) and hardened plastic statues (P):
(B)2016年9月 フライブルク市。計画頓挫
(B)2017年3月〜 ヴィーゼント市。ネパール・ヒマラヤパーク。碑文削除
(B)2018年 ボン市。女性ミュージアム。計画頓挫
(P)2019年6月 ボーフム市でのドイツ福音教会教会デー
(P)2019年8月 女性芸術家団体ベルリン支部会員作品展
(B)(P)2021年4〜8月 ドレスデン民族博物館
(P)2021年7月〜9月 ミュンヘン市のアートセンター
(B)2022年7月〜2023年3月 カッセル大学構内。撤去
(B)2022年9月〜2023年1月 ヴォルフスブルク美術館
(B) September 2016,
Freiburg. Plan aborted.
(B) March 2017 - Nepal
Himalaya Park, Wiesent. Inscription removed.
(B) 2018 - Women's
Museum, Bonn. Plan aborted.
(B) 2018,
August-September - Dorothee Sälle House, Protestant Church, Hamburg.
(P) June 2019 - German
Evangelical Church Day in Bochum.
(P) August 2019 -
Exhibition of works by members of the Berlin branch of the Women Artists
(B)March 2020 - Korean
Evangelical Church, Frankfurt
(B) 2020 (?) Temporary
exhibition at Frankfurt University
(B)(P) April-August
2021 - Folk Museum Dresden
(P) July-September 2021
- Munich Art Centre
(P) April-July 2022
Summer semester lecture series at the Department of Japanese Studies,
University of Leipzig
(B) July 2022-March
2023, University of Kassel. Move.
(B) September 2022 -
January 2023, Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg.
[Slide 21 外務省作成資料1 Documents prepared by Japan’s Ministry of Foreign
Affairs 1]
these cases, almost without exception, the Japanese government has approached
the parties concerned and urged them to remove the statues, explaining Japan’s
official position. The parties concerned are not those involved in the
installation or display of the statues, but those in positions of authority
over the people concerned, such as the head of the supervisory authority of the
exhibition venue or installation site, or the head of the sponsoring
organization. The case of Mitte Ward is no exception: the Ward Office and
District Council, and above them the city of Berlin and even the federal
At the time of the “approach,” you will
probably always be given a copy of Japan’s position on the “comfort women”
issue, which is available on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
and this document prepared by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The next page is
its table of contents.
[Slide 22 外務省作成資料2 Documents prepared by Japan’s Ministry of Foreign
Affairs 2]
Here is a concrete example of intervention: in
the case of the German Evangelical Church Day in Bochum in June 2019, the
plastic statues were only on display for three days at the Church Day organized
by the German Evangelical Order. After the Church Day had ended and the display
had been removed, the Consul General of Düsseldorf visited the Chairman of the
Regional Association of Westphalia-Lippe, who was responsible for the
management and supervision of the Westphalia-Lippe Museum, where the display was
located. The Consul General informed him of the Japanese government’s position
on the “comfort women” issue, stating that “Korea, as a Japanese colony, was
also complicit in the “comfort women system” and that “radicals in Korea are
worsening relations between the two countries.” It is terrible, but still, this
is the extent of intervention the Japanese government has been able to get away
with so far.
[Slide 23もうひとつの記念碑?
Another monument? ]
In mid-September, the local newspaper taz
carried the headline “Japanese diplomacy in the Moabit district, a rival to the
Peace Statue.”
記事によれば、「紛争時の性暴力に反対する協会(SASVIC)」と名乗る団体が、性暴力をテーマとする彫刻をミッテ区内で設置する準備を進めています。SASVICは、今年の6月にベルリンで結成され、7月に区に彫刻の設置認可を申請しています。この団体は、イギリスの「Lai Dai Hanに正義を」という団体と協力関係にあるそうですが、Lai Dai Hanとは、ベトナム語で、ベトナム戦争中に韓国軍兵士から性暴力を被った女性たちのことです。また、設置されるという彫刻は、イギリスの彫刻家レベッカ・ホウキンスの作品で、「石になったサバイバー」と名付けられています。ところが、その「Lai Dai Hanに正義を」の理事でもあるこの彫刻家は、もう一人の理事のジャック・ストロウという人物、および、のちにSASVICの理事になる人物と三人で、すでに一年近く前に、ミッテ区の区長を訪ねているというのです。
According to the article, a group calling
itself “Society against Sexual Violence in Conflict (SASVIC)” is preparing to
exhibit a sculpture on sexual violence in the Mitte district of Berlin. SASVIC
was formed in Berlin in June this year and in July applied to the district's
“Art in Urban Space” jury for approval of a specific sculpture. The aim of the
project is to raise awareness of sexual violence through art. They are said to
be working with the British organization “Justice for Lai Dai Han,” where Lai Dai
Han is the Vietnamese word for women who have suffered sexual violence at the
hands of Korean soldiers. The sculpture in question, called “Petrified
Survivor,” is by British sculptor Rebecca Hawkins, who is also a board member
of the aforementioned Justice for Lai Dai Han. And she, along with another
board member named Jack Straw, and a person who became a SASVIC board member
later, visited the Mitte Ward District Mayor, Remlinger, almost a year ago,
according to the District Mayor herself, who told the taz newspaper.
この件では、納得できないことが多すぎます。SASVICは当初、平和の像の立っている場所に彫刻を設置したいと申し出たが、その場所は避けるようにと助言したと、区長が9月の議会で発言しています。しかし区長は7月の時点では、平和の像の立っている場所に別の彫刻の認可申請が出されており、2025年4月に除幕されるだろうと、コリア協議会との面談で語ってます。いずれにしろ、「石になったサバイバー」設置計画が、像の撤去を至上命令としてきた、日本外務省にとって好都合なものであろうことは、容易に察しがつきます。実はこの「石になったサバイバー」という彫刻は、すでに2022年に、Preventing Sexual Violence
in Conflict Initiative (PSVI)、という、イギリス外務省の主導する国際組織の会議で、公開されています。
There is much that is not clear about this matter: the Mitte Ward District
Mayor told the Council in September that SASVIC had originally wanted
to apply for permission for the site of the Peace Statue, but had been
advised to avoid that site. However, when the District Mayor met with
the Korea Verband in July, she said that an application had been submitted
for approval of a specific sculpture on the site of the peace statue,
and that it would be unveiled in April 2025. Either way, it is easy to
see how the “petrified survivor” could be a boon to the Japanese Foreign
Ministry, which, as the Japanese ambassador revealed, has made the
removal of the statue a top priority. In fact, Rebecca Hawkins has
already unveiled a prototype of the “petrified survivor” at a conference
of the Preventing Sexual Violence in Conflict Initiative (PSVI), an
international organization led by the UK Foreign Office, in 2022.
それから、「Lai Dai Hanに正義を」の理事のジャック・ストロウですが、彼は、イギリスのブレア政権下で外相を務めた人物で、法相の経験もあります。そのような老練な政治家が、小さな地方自治体の、わずか2年間という期間限定の展示のために、利害を共にする彫刻家を伴って、しかも当時はまだ存在さえしていないSASVICという団体のために、イギリスからベルリンのミッテ区まで足を運んでいるのです。このプロジェクトに、一体どんなメリットがあり、そして、それは誰を利するのでしょう。
Then there is Jack Straw, the board member of
“Justice for Lai Dai Han,” who was Foreign Secretary in the Blair government in
the UK and also Secretary of State for Justice. Such an accomplished
politician, together with a sculptor who shares her interests as a board member
of the same organization, travelled all the way from the UK to Berlin Mitte for
a two-year exhibition in a small community and for an organization called
SASVIC, which didn’t even exist at the time. What are the benefits of this
project? And who benefits from it?
[Slide 24 像のもたらしたもの What the Peace Statue has brought
Two years ago, I
mentioned that the Peace Statue had been well received by local citizens. I
would like to conclude by saying that the statue did two important things that
were missing in Berlin's civil society at the time.
One is that it brought
the issue of wartime sexual violence into the community and made it possible to
discuss it. Members of the District Council have told the Korean Verband that they are grateful that the issue of wartime sexual violence has
been brought to their attention, but that the discussion is not limited to the
District Council.
At last year’s International Day for the
Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict, Sarah from the Sudanese Women’s
Group said: “For us, the Japanese military “comfort women” are a real concern.
Coming from Sudan, we know very well that violence is perpetrated against women
in times of war and that those in power refuse to bring justice to survivors. A
civil war broke out in Sudan two months ago and there are several civil wars
going on. On this year’s commemoration day, a woman who lives near the statue spoke
about the sexual abuse that happened to her family and that she herself
suffered. It was a big decision for her to speak publicly. In the educational
project mentioned above, teachers and students at the Fritz Carlsen School
point out that the Peace Statue plays an empowering role in making it easier
for students to talk about their immediate sexual experiences. Several
community councilors also emphasized that the fact that the statue is in a
public space where people see it every day provides an opportunity to talk
about sexual violence, which is difficult to talk about on a daily basis.
Another notable example is the role of the
Korea Verband with migrant roots in shaping the image of peace. Following
German reunification, the culture of remembering the Nazi past has become a
significant aspect of national identity. However, for members of immigrant
communities, it is primarily an object of learning and reflection, rather than
a personal or collective reference point. The controversial Peace Statue, a
monument to the memory of wartime damage in the Mitte district, has served to
illustrate the presence and influence of the immigrant community in the German
culture of memory.
終the End ―
(翻訳: 田中利幸 /English translation: Yuki Tanaka)
The Ending Remarks (最後の一言)
クリスティーン・キムさん Dr. Christine Kim
would like to thank Yuki and the team for organising this webinar and giving me
the opportunity to speak to everyone here today. It’s been an honour to have
been given this chance to talk about FCWM and the projects we have been working
on. I’m also so grateful to everyone for taking interest in this issue, which I
know is one that is hard to digest and requires courage. I hope we can support
each other and work together to create a society where victims no longer need
to fight for their own justice, for an apology and for their dignity to be
restored, and where women and girls are no longer used as tools. I hope for a
peaceful world and to bring peace to the victim survivors who have fought so
tirelessly and courageously. Let us continue their legacy and honour them
through remembrance. Thank you.
梶村道子さん Ms. Michiko Kajimura
This picture shows Ali in her normal clothes,
not the peace statue, surrounded by flowers and people at the event. A person
coming out of the park behind her is talking on the phone, with the phone to
his ear. He has a dog with him. I am not the only one who likes Ali in this
kind of landscape. Over the past four years, the residents of Mitte, especially
those in the Moabit district and the statue's neighbours, have become
accustomed to this peaceful scene.
Occasionally, passers-by add a single flower.
Across the street is a flower shop. A small child climbs onto an empty chair.
Students from the education program dust the statues. As a District councilor
says, “the statue has become part of the Mitte district.” The people of the
Mitte Ward want to see scenes like this for a long time to come. So the
struggle continues. Furthermore, the Korea Verband has initiated a crowdfunding
campaign to cover the costs incurred as a result of pressure from the Japanese
Government, including legal expenses and the cessation of municipal subsidies.
We would be grateful for any assistance you could provide.
these two photos in the PowerPoint are not exactly the same. Which one do you
prefer? It would be great if you could tell us why. I would be very grateful if
you would take the time to fill in the survey form with your answer.
田中利幸 Yuki Tanaka (Co-chair, Hiroshima
Network for the Solution of Japan’s Military ‘Comfort Women’ Issue)
We are very grateful for long hours of
your participation in this webinar.
yesterday in the Japanese news, the trial of a former chief prosecutor of the
Osaka District Public Prosecutor's Office, accused of sexually assaulting a
female subordinate who was too drunk to resist, began and the former chief
prosecutor admitted what he was accused of. The victim, a female prosecutor,
was interviewed and wept as she described how terribly she had suffered over a
period of six years; her complaint shows that even a single act of sexual
violence can leave a very deep, long and painful scar on the victim's heart.
She said that, as a prosecutor, she would like to continue working for victims
of sexual violence. Perhaps because being close to victims of the same crimes
helps her to heal from the emotional trauma.
is beyond our imagination how deep the emotional pain must have been for the
women known as 'comfort women' who were forced to endure daily sexual violence
by Japanese soldiers for several years, but we can feel some of it through the
testimony of this prosecutor. Furthermore, the 'crimes against humanity' of
sexual violence against innumerable women throughout the Asia-Pacific region,
including Korea and China, were justified in the name of state power. However,
the Japanese government continues to refuse to acknowledge these crimes. The
Statue of Peace serves as a symbol of the people's demand for accountability
from a national government that has thus far failed to meet this obligation.
Japanese government is now trying to remove even its symbolic 'Peace Statue' by
shamelessly and cunningly resorting to various measures. This is not only an
unforgivable criminal act against the victims of the 'comfort women' system,
but also an unforgivable insult to all victims of sexual violence.
us utilize what we have learned today from the very powerful reports of the two
presenters – Dr. Christine Kim and Ms. Michiko Kajimura - to strengthen the
international solidarity of our civil movement against sexual violence and
continue to work together to build a spiritually and culturally rich, peaceful
and hopeful future for us all. Thank you again for your time today.
終 the End
(翻訳:田中利幸/translation Yuki Tanaka)