


Why is Japan Fortifying its Small Islands


オーストラリアの公共放送ABC (日本のNHKに相当)のテレビ局は毎週木曜日の夜8時からForeign Correspondent (「海外特派員」)と題する30分の海外ニュース特集番組を放送しています。毎週、海外で起きている重要な問題一つに絞って、特派員が詳しく報道する、なかなかすぐれた番組です。




Australia's public broadcasting corporation, the ABC, broadcasts an overseas news feature program entitled Foreign Correspondent every Thursday evening at 8pm. It is an excellent weekly half hour program that focuses on one important issue happening abroad and reports on it in detail.
Last Thursday (16 February), under the title “
Why is Japan Fortifying its Small Islands, and why is it such a big deal?”, the program reported in detail on how rapidly Okinawa, and particularly Ishigaki Island, is being fortified and how closely it is being integrated into the US-led war preparation of the Pacific Rim. This program is worthwhile watching in order to understand what is actually happening in Okinawa.

Why is Japan Fortifying its Small Islands, and why is it such a big deal? | Foreign Correspondent



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