

The Music of Easter 復活祭の音楽

Easter 2020 is a very different experience for everyone this year, and I feel compelled to search for ways to brighten our hopes for an end to this overwhelming disaster. May the following music offer inspiration in this direction.
I hope you are able to stay safe and well and that we can embrace better times in the near future.
With best wishes



Wonderful merciful Savior - Mwangaza
Mwangaza is a children's choir based in Kampala, Uganda. Through traditional African worship songs and dance they raise awareness and support for the churches, schools, medical clinics and orphanages throughout Uganda.

JS Bach - Air On The G String OrganJonathan Scott

Hifumi Hachigaeshi 一二三鉢返し
Hachigaeshi was played by the Komuso (a mendicant Zen priest of Fuke sect) expressing his gratitude when he returned the bowl to the house owner after receiving alms.
Rodrigo Rodriguez shakuhachi   尺八:ロドリゴ・ロドリゲス
Jacomina Kistemaker monochord  モノコード:ジャコミア・キステメイカー

"Pie Jesu" from "Requiem" by Gabriel Fauré
Boy soprano : Aksel Rykkvin  ボーイ・スプラノ:アスケル・リックビン

Benedictus from “Armed Man: A Mass for Peace” by Karl Jenkins 
Zagreb Philharmonic Orchestra and Choir Zvjezdice, Cello: Hauser
「ミサ賛歌」(カール・ジェンキンス作曲「武装した男:平和のためのミサ曲」より) チェロ:ハウザー  ザグレブ交響楽団 

The opening chorus from the St Matthew Passion
Netherlands Bach Society
バッハ作曲「マタイ受難曲」導入合唱 オランダ・バッハ協会オーケストラ 
Netherlands Bach Society
The opening chorus from the St Matthew Passion (BWV 244). The St Matthew Passion tells the story of the last days of Jesus - betrayed, tried, crucified and buried. 「マタイ受難曲」はキリストの最後の受難(弟子の裏切り、裁判、磔、埋葬)を描写した大曲です。
Violinist: Sato Shunsuke, Concert master & Artistic Director of the Netherland Bach Society
ヴァイオリン 佐藤俊介
オランダのバッハ協会・オーケストラのコンサートマスター、芸術監督 https://www.shunskesato.com/blank-yc12f

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