


「平和の碑」が広げつなぐメッセージ 女性の尊厳と人権~メルボルンとベルリンを結んで~

第一部:はじめに  報告1  

Report on the online seminar The Message for Women's Dignity and Rights that the Peace Statues Convey - Linking Melbourne and Berlin

Part I: Introduction & Presentation 1





1026日、オンラインセミナー「『平和の碑』が広げつなぐメッセージ 女性の尊厳と人権~メルボルンとベルリンを結んで~」を開催した。日英2カ国語で行った今回の企画は、録画視聴の希望者を含めると国内外から100名近くの参加者をえて、最大7時間の時差のある日独豪を結んでの開催となった。オーストラリアのメルボルンで「平和の碑」を広げる運動に取り組んでおられるFCWM(メルボルン「慰安婦」友の会)事務局長のクリスティーン・キムさんには、「~メルボルン『平和の碑』が訴えるメッセージ~」と題して、またドイツのベルリンでミッテ区に設置された「平和の像」を守る運動をしておられる梶村道子さんには、「『アリはミッテ区の一部だ!』干渉を許さない住民たちの抵抗」というタイトルで、像を巡る取り組みの経緯と現状を鮮やかな画像を交えて詳しく報告して頂いた。参加者は日頃報道されることの少ない具体的な現地の状況を直接伺い、理解を深めることができた。


On 26 October, an online seminar The Message for Women's Dignity and Rights that the Peace Statues Convey - Linking Melbourne and Berlin was held. The seminar was conducted in two languages, English and Japanese, and was attended by nearly 100 participants from Japan and abroad, including those who wished to view the recording after the event, and was held between Japan, Germany and Australia, which have a time difference of up to seven hours. Dr Christine Kim, Executive Director of Friends of ‘Comfort Women’ in Melbourne (FCWM), who has been campaigning for the e expansion of the ‘Peace Monument’ in Melbourne, Australia, gave a talk entitled “The Appeal of the Message of the Statue of Peace in Melbourne,” and  Ms. Michiko Kajimura, who is campaigning for the protection of the “Statue of Peace” installed in the Mitte district of Berlin, Germany, presented a talk entitled “Ari is part of the Mitte District ! : Residents resist against interference.” She gave a detailed account of the history and current situation of the efforts to protect the Statue, with vivid photographs. Participants were able to deepen their understanding by hearing first-hand about specific local situations that are rarely reported in the media.




Three days after this event, the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) issued recommendations to the Japanese Government. Among the recommendations, which include the introduction of a selective system of separate surnames for married couples, revision of the Imperial Household Law, and prevention of sexual violence by US forces in Okinawa and appropriate punishment of perpetrators, is the recommendation for ratification of the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. The Optional Protocol, which was adopted in 1999 and entered into force in 2000, establishes a system whereby individuals can directly notify a UN body if a violation of women's human rights is not adequately addressed through their national judicial system. While more than 120 countries have already taken proactive measures to ensure the effectiveness of the elimination of discrimination against women, including the establishment of independent national human rights institutions, more than 20 years after it entered into force, the Japanese Government has not ratified the Convention and has thus failed to align itself with global trends. The only immediate action taken by the government was, as in the previous recommendation in 2016, a formal protest and request for its removal the day after the recommendation. This involved the 'revision of the Imperial Household Law', with the somewhat peculiar logic that 'eligibility for the Imperial Throne is not included in fundamental human rights'.




The culpability of the Japanese government was also explicitly mentioned in the discussions of the two panelists who reported on this issue. Since 2020, when the Peace Statue was erected in the Mitte district of Berlin, the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been exerting pressure on the mayor of Berlin and the mayor of the Mitte district behind the scenes in various ways. The pressure has not only been to force the removal of the statue. It has also shamelessly contacted local journalists who have reported critically on the case, for example to cut city subsidies for a youth awareness program run by the Korean Council (Korea Verband) and involving local schools. In Australia, when the Peace Statue was erected in Sydney in 2015 (during the third Abe cabinet), activists from right-wing groups in Japan flew to Sydney through an organization called the Australia-Japan Community Network to campaign against its installation.




There has been an ongoing campaign of obstruction, claiming that ‘the installation of the statues promotes one-sided discourse and fuels anti-Japanese sentiment’ and ‘brings division to the community.’ Yet, as our panelist Dr Christine Kim said, “At the end of the day, what we are all wanting is for history to never repeat itself. If there is no recognition of these atrocities that have happened and no accountability for those who are responsible, history is bound to repeat itself. We don’t want this issue to be a us vs Japan situation. …..We want the Japanese community to be on board and fight together for justice and to fight for a world where the rights of women and children are respected.” This international online seminar was an opportunity to reaffirm that we in Japan must respond to this call and raise our voices in Japan, and to strengthen the bonds of international solidarity to do so.


(文責 事務局:日南田 Written by Hinada Seishi on behalf of Hiroshima Network for the Solution of Japan’s Military ‘Comfort Women’ Issue / English translation: Yuki Tanaka



Dr.Christine Kim with the Statue of Peace in Melbourne           


報告1 Presentation 1


クリスティーン・キム Dr. Christine Kim

“The Appeal of the Message of the Statue of Peace in Melbourne”

Transcript for the PowerPoint presentation by Christine Kim for the webinar The Message for Women's Dignity and Rights that the Peace Statues Convey - Linking Melbourne and Berlin (17:00-19:30 Japan time, October 26, 20204)


[Slide 1]

Thank you all for joining today’s webinar. I’m Christine and I’m the Secretary for Friends of “Comfort Women” in Melbourne, a small human rights organisation promoting peace, education and justice for the “Comfort Women” issue.


本日のウェビナーにご参加いただき、ありがとうございます。私はオーストラリアのメルボルンで「慰安婦」問題をめぐって平和、教育、正義を推進する小さな人権団体「メルボルン『慰安婦』の友の会 FCWM」の事務局長を務めているクリスティーンです。


[Slide 2]

To give you a summary of who we are and what we do:

We are a non-profit organisation founded in 2016 by Korean community members in Melbourne. Our main objective then was to erect our very own Statue of Peace in Melbourne, and raise awareness of this issue that was becoming a controversial topic after the 2015 Korea-Japan Agreement.




[Slide 3]

Through holding fundraisers, bazaar stalls, networking locally and internationally with like minded organisations and individuals, we were able to erect the 10th international Statue of Peace in front of the Korean Society of Victoria in 2019.




[Slides 4 - 6]

These are just a few photos from the ceremony. We had hundreds of people attend, including guests who flew in from interstate, New Zealand and South Korea. This includes former Member of the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea, Yoon Mee-Hyang, who was the former head of the Korean Council, and Mayor of Hwaseong City whose people supported and funded our Statue of Peace. We also had Jan Ruff O’Herne’s daughter and granddaughter, Carol and Ruby, join us in celebration.




[Slide 7]

As you may already know, Sydney also has a Statue of Peace located in front of a church run by Reverend Bill Crews, which was headed by a group of activists who are now formally called Friends of “Comfort Women” in Sydney (FCWS).


すでにご存知かもしれませんが、シドニーにも「平和の像」があります。 この平和祈念像は、ビル・クルーズ牧師が運営する教会の前に設置されていますが、この教会での運動を率いたのは、現在では正式に「シドニー 『慰安婦 』友の会(FCWS)」と呼ばれる活動家グループです。


[Slide 8]

The Sydney Statue of Peace made headlines and sparked controversy as FCWS and supporters were under continuous attack from the Japanese community to halt the installation of the statue.




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An example is a letter from the Australia-Japan Community Network which was sent to the Council at the time stating that the statue would be in breach of Australia’s Racial Discrimination Act and that this statue was a “hurtful historical symbol”. Further, they argued that the actions of the Korean community sought to “undo” the 2015 Japan-Korea Agreement.




As we all know, this Agreement between the two governments confirmed that the issue of the “Comfort Women” issue would be resolved “finally and irreversibly”. I’m sure we are all aware of how flawed this was on both a substantive and procedural level. This Agreement was negotiated in secret, with no input from survivors or advocates, failed to acknowledge full legal responsibility nor was a sincere apology provided.




Luckily, Melbourne did not receive the same scale of backlash from the community when we unveiled our Statue of Peace, but we did receive similar letters to our council opposing the installation, mirroring remarks about how such installation would negatively affect the Japanese community members and their children.




[Slide 10]

I think Vivian Pak, a member of FCWS and lawyer, summarised it well in an interview she did for ABC - “it hasn’t got anything to do with social division. I would love to have Japanese community members come on board…they’re our friends…we can make a peaceful relationship with them…this is about calling an end to war and violence and security of human rights”.




[Slide 11]

 At the end of the day, what we are all wanting is for history to never repeat itself. If there is no recognition of these atrocities that have happened and no accountability for those who are responsible, history is bound to repeat itself. We don’t want this issue to be a us vs Japan situation. As Vivian mentioned, we want the Japanese community to be on board and fight together for justice and to fight for a world where the rights of women and children are respected. I hope to have more webinars like this where the Korean and Japanese community can come together in good faith to learn and bridge the gap between the two countries.




[Slide 12]

We are also part of the Oceania Networking Group which consists of “Comfort Women” justice organisations from Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and New Zealand. We originally gathered to organise the first memorial event for Jan Ruff O’Herne, the Dutch-Australian survivor who passed away in 2019.




As we all know, Jan was a courageous activist who fought for justice and created a lasting legacy. When Jan bravely testified at the Hearing in Tokyo in 1992, she gave a stronger platform and voice to an issue that was predominantly Asian victims, so Oceania Networking Group hopes to continue Jan’s legacy and follow in the path she has paved for us.




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We will also continue to support Jan’s daughter and granddaughter Ruby and Carol in all their endeavours, especially Ruby’s works in the film industry.




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We also network and support other organisations outside of Australia. This includes supporting the Kassel Student Union, sending letters to the Berlin Mayor against the removal of the Statue of Peace, supporting the Korean Council in their events such as the Wednesday demonstrations, webinars and more. This is because collaboration with other organisations and individuals gives us strength and a sense of community.




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Internationally, the Statue of Peace in Berlin is probably at the forefront of everyone's minds. FCWM will continue to support Berlin in their fight to protect the Statue of Peace, which was set to be removed 28 September 2024. 



This is a letter I wrote to the Berlin Mayor a few months ago in response to the Berlin Mayor’s proposal to remove the statue. The main points include how the Berlin Statue of Peace and other monuments around the world are not “one-sided” as the Mayor claimed it to be. These monuments were established through the collective efforts of people from all nations who understood the importance of remembering the past to have a better future. I also compared the post-war efforts of Japan with Germany - a stark difference in the approach they took in terms of acknowledgement of their war crimes, educating the future generations and reparations to victims. Lastly, I reminded the Mayor that despite the controversies surrounding the Statue of Peace monuments, these monuments are symbols of peace, a promise to remember the legacy of the victims, to teach truth and promote a world where rights of women and girls are respected. Nothing more, nothing less.




[Slide 16]

I also resonate with the letter that the National Assembly Delegation for the Preservation of the Berlin Statue of Peace wrote: the statue is not intended to create historical controversy between Korea and Japan. If Berlin turns this into a diplomatic issue and is uncomfortable with it, the city could face protests from citizens worldwide. I think this is an accurate representation and shows the importance of why we need the international community to work together.




This is not just a Berlin issue. This is a global issue that will cause a global outcry, and this is thanks to the global outreach of this movement. The more connected we are worldwide, and the more we raise awareness of this issue, the stronger we are and the louder our voice will be when we protest against such injustice like what Berlin is facing now. It’s important we do not lose any more of our Statue of Peace monuments because of political and diplomatic pressures.




[Slide 17]

Since we erected our Statue of Peace in Melbourne back in 2019, we have been focusing on educating others about the issue of the “Comfort Women” system. For example, we hosted a book concert for one of our members, Professor Han. It was an opportunity for members of the Korean community to come together to learn and ask questions about this issue and how they can support this movement.



[Slide 18]

We also had primary school students visit the Statue of Peace where we ran an educational presentation and craft making activity for students to learn. We’ve also presented at a high school to raise awareness about our organisation and the “Comfort Women” issue.




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There is also a lot of distorted information out there about the “Comfort Women” issue, a lot of misunderstanding of what it was, as well as those who don’t know about it at all. So part of our mission also involves righting the misinformation that is out there and to keep this history alive. One way we did this was through a stall we had at the Korean Festival event.




This isn’t an event just for Koreans but for people of all backgrounds to learn more about Korean culture, such as food, traditional games and of course, the infamous Squid Game. We had many people come up to our stall to learn about this issue, and we received a lot of positive feedback. And that’s what we want to keep up - we want to keep the conversation going.




[Slide 20]

We also support our current network of friends, which of course includes Yuki Tanaka. The first picture was taken at Yuki’s recent book launch, which was an absolute success. The second one is when he visited the Korean Society of Victoria to see the Statue of Peace.




[Slide 21]

Our current project at the moment is called the Global Statue of Peace project. Our plan is to have a Chinese Statue of Peace and Jan Ruff O’Herne’s monument next to our current one. Once these three statues are next to each other, our goal is to move them to a public area, such as a park, for more people to see and learn.




Ultimately, we want to create an area, whether it be a park, a street or a small piece of land, dedicated to remembering and learning about this issue, as well as to symbolise human rights and peace for all. Every month, our members put a small donation towards our sponsorship project account. We are planning to have a sponsorship program to support women and girls affected by gendered violence in areas of conflict.




[Slide 22]

As the first step, we are working on the Chinese Statue of Peace with the Chinese Australians of Peace Association (CAPA). CAPA has been working tirelessly on raising funds to have the Chinese Statue of Peace made and shipped to Melbourne.




[Slide 23 & 24]

They have organised Bunnings Warehouse sausage sizzles, hosted movie fundraiser nights screening the movie Flowers of War, and more.


中国系オーストラリア人たちは大規模な道具販売店バニングスの店頭でソーセージ焼き販売を企画したり、映画『Flowers of War金陵十三釵』を上映する募金活動の夕べを主催したりと、さまざまな活動を行ってきました。


[Slide 25]

The Chinese Statue of Peace has made its way safely to Melbourne, but we are unable to install it next to our Korean Statue of Peace at the moment due to the backlash we are receiving from the Korean community.




[Slide 26]

We’re currently in the process of holding public hearings so that those who oppose the instalment of the Chinese Statue of Peace can come and voice their concerns.

The concerns raised in the first public hearing on 24 August 2024 mainly related to opposition due to the history between China and Korea. As a result, certain Koreans continue to have negative sentiments towards Chinese people.




This will be an ongoing mission for FCWM to persuade the Korean community in Victoria to open up to our project and to open up to the idea of collaborating with the Chinese community for a common good. We will be holding a number of these public hearings until we can come to an agreement as it is important for FCWM to show the public that we are taking into consideration the voices of the community and want to work in collaboration and cooperation with everyone. Although this will be a difficult and long journey for both FCWM and CAPA, we have hope that at the end of the day, people will come to realise that the “Comfort Women” issue is not a matter for only Koreans.




[Slide 27]

As we all know, the “Comfort Women” system did not victimise Koreans alone. This isn’t just a “Korean” issue. It was the human trafficking, sexual enslavement and murder of women and girls from China, Philippines, Thailand, Burma, Dutch East Indies, Papua New Guinea and more.




[Slide 28]

These women and girls were forced into sexual servitude, transported around to these “comfort” stations that were located wherever Japan imperialised. They were raped, tortured and some murdered. Women and girls as young as 11 from different places shared the same pain and suffering, relying on each other in times of darkness. So this issue goes beyond the issue of diplomatic relations between countries, who hates who, personal feelings about a certain country and politics. This issue is about human rights.




It is about a war crime that was never resolved, a human rights issue that affected so many women and girls from different countries, and it is about coming together as an international community to tackle this injustice. The Chinese Statue of Peace is a symbol of the injustice Chinese women and girls have incurred, and to put it next to our Korean Statue of Peace shows the two countries coming together to tackle this issue, regardless of the past.




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The reason why FCWM and other organisations and individuals continue to fight for justice is because we do not believe this issue has been resolved. Despite being forced into silence for almost half a century, and despite over 80 years having passed, survivors continue to fight to have their voices heard. But their voices continue to be drowned, distorted and undermined.




People continue to see this through a political lense and label it as controversial and as a feud between Korea and Japan. As a result, the symbolism of these Statues of Peace have also been tainted as political and “one-sided,” as voiced by the Mayor of Berlin.




[Slide 30]

I think this speaks to the ignorance of the Mayor's understanding given that Statue of Peace monuments are erected all around the world by the collective efforts of people from all nations who understand the importance of remembering the past to have a better future. Therefore, we cannot say that the “comfort women” issue is of the past and irrelevant in this day and age. The issue of human trafficking, sexual slavery and violence against women and girls continue to be prevalent as a lucrative business and as a weapon of war. So we cannot say this issue is one-sided. We cannot say that this issue is historical nor irrelevant to other communities.




[Slide 31]

We hope that a day will come when the issue will be viewed for what it truly is - a human rights issue. We hope the day will come when the Statue of Peace will be seen for what it truly is. For the victims of the “Comfort Women” system, the Statue of Peace shows our promise to remember their legacy and continue their fight for justice. To others, it teaches truth and promotes a world where rights of women and girls are respected. The Statue of Peace in Melbourne, Sydney and all around the world is a powerful testament and symbol of promise and peace.




― 終the End

(翻訳: 田中利幸 /Japanese translation: Yuki Tanaka


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