


Canadian public broadcaster CBC broadcasts radio 

program on “indiscriminate bombing.”


現地時間417日にカナダの公共放送局CBCが、1時間近いラジオ番組 “The History of Bombing Civilians: and why it is still a military tactic” (市民爆撃の歴史:なぜいまだに軍戦術なのか)を放送しました。この番組で私を含む3人(他の2人は米国人)がインタヴューを受けましたが、私は、第1次世界大戦からなぜ「無差別空爆」が始まり、戦後はその空爆戦術を英国や仏独が植民地支配のためにいかに活用し、第2次世界大戦では日独の枢軸国側も米英の連合国側もなぜ大々的にこの「無差別空爆」を展開するようになったのか、またいかにそれを正当化するようになったのかについて解説しました。

On 17 April local time, Canadian public broadcaster CBC aired a nearly hour-long radio program, “The History of Bombing Civilians: and why it is still a military tactic.” Three people, including myself (the other two were Americans) were interviewed on this program, and I was asked to explain why and how “indiscriminate bombing” began in World War I, how the British, French and Germans used this bombing tactic to control their colonies after the war, and why and how both the Axis powers (Japan and Germany) and the Allies (the US and Britain) came to deploy this “indiscriminate bombing” on a large scale in World War II and how they justified it.


The program then goes on to detail how, contrary to official claims that the US military won the war in Iraq through precision bombing, it actually killed many civilians in a horrific “indiscriminate bombing campaign.”


Towards the conclusion of this program, in the final 10 minutes or so, the program reports on the ongoing Israeli bombing of Gaza (including the use of AI), which is evidently targeting civilians rather than indiscriminately. It is also noteworthy that, over the first six days since the Gaza bombing commenced, Israeli forces have dropped 6,000 bombs on this small Gaza Strip, marking the first instance in history of such intense bombing.


This was followed by my concluding remarks in the final five minutes or so. The question posed to me in advance was a challenging one: “How can the indiscriminate bombing, which has been ongoing for over a century, be halted?” Of course, finding an answer is not easy at all. Consequently, I therefore opted to present the following statement instead.

1908年(ライト兄弟の飛行機による最初の人間飛行の成功からわずか5年後)に、英国の作家HG・ウェルズが書いた未来小説『空中戦(The War in the Air)』は、技術発展が政治や道徳を無意味なものにしてしまい、近代文明は爆撃機によって破壊されて、人間の道徳性が剥奪されるという内容になっている。その後の歴史は、この小説が予測したものにひじょうに似たものとなった。歴史上、無差別爆撃が戦争を早期に終わらせたというケースは実際にはないのであって、むしろ敵国の抵抗を長引かせる。無差別爆撃を続けることで、とりわけ政治家と軍指導者層の道徳観がさらに崩壊する。

In 1908, only five years after the Wright brothers’ inaugural human flight in an airplane, the British author H. G. Wells published the futuristic novel The War in the Air. In this work, technological advancement renders politics and morality meaningless, modern civilization is obliterated by bombers, and human morality is stripped away. Subsequent history has been strikingly similar to what the novel predicted. There is no historical precedent for indiscriminate bombing being an effective means of bringing a war to an early conclusion. Instead, it has a tendency to prolong the resistance of the enemy. Furthermore, the continued use of indiscriminate bombing has the effect of further undermining the moral values of those in positions of political and military leadership.




I sincerely hope that Canadians who listen to this program will come forward with a strong call for an immediate halt to the bombing of Gaza.

You can listen to this program at the following URL. If you have friends or acquaintances in English-speaking countries, I would be honored if you could spread this information.




Yuki Tanaka

Bombing Civilians: A Twentieth-Century History


Entwined Atrocities: New Insights into the U.S.- Japan Alliance


『空の戦争史』 A History of Aerial Warfare





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