

Publications 出版報告

1)Hidden Horrors: Japanese War Crimes in World War II  Second Edition
日本軍が主として南西太平洋各地で犯した戦争犯罪諸例を分析した1996年出版の拙著 Hidden Horrors の改訂増補版。ジョン・ダワーによる「前書き」も一新。 
2)拙訳 ジョン・ダワー著『アメリカ 暴力の世紀:第二次大戦以降の戦争とテロ』(岩波書店) Japanese edition of John Dower’s new book The Violent American Century: War and Terror Since World War II (Dispatch Books)

1) Hidden Horrors: Japanese War Crimes in World War II  Second Edition
with Foreword by John Dower.

This landmark book documents little-known wartime Japanese atrocities during World War II. Yuki Tanaka’s case studies, still remarkably original and significant, include cannibalism; the slaughter and starvation of prisoners of war; the rape, enforced prostitution, and murder of noncombatants; and biological warfare experiments. The author describes how desperate Japanese soldiers consumed the flesh of their own comrades killed in fighting as well as that of Australians, Pakistanis, and Indians. He traces the fate of sixty-five shipwrecked Australian nurses and British soldiers who were shot or stabbed to death by their captors. Another thirty-two nurses were captured and sent to Sumatra to become “comfort women”—sex slaves for Japanese soldiers. Tanaka recounts how thousands of Australian and British POWs were massacred in the infamous Sandakan camp in the Borneo jungle in 1945, while those who survived were forced to endure a tortuous 160-mile march on which anyone who dropped out of line was immediately shot. This new edition also includes a powerful chapter on the island of Nauru, where thirty-nine leprosy patients were killed and thousands of Naurans were ill-treated and forced to leave their homes. Without denying individual and national responsibility, the author explores individual atrocities in their broader social, psychological, and institutional milieu and places Japanese behavior during the war in the broader context of the dehumanization of men at war. In his substantially revised conclusion, Tanaka brings in significant new interpretations to explain why Japanese imperial forces were so brutal, tracing the historical processes that created such a unique military structure and ideology. Finally, he investigates why a strong awareness of their collective responsibility for wartime atrocities has been and still is lacking among the Japanese.

2)拙訳 ジョン・ダワー著『アメリカ 暴力の世紀:第二次大戦以降の戦争とテロ』(岩波書店)




日本は、このようなアメリカに自国を軍事的にますます従属させるために、このわずか数年の間に、特定秘密保護法の導入、集団的自衛権行使容認閣議決定、明らかに憲法違反である新安保法制導入、沖縄米軍辺野古新基地の強権的な建設、原子力空母ロナルド・レーガンを中心とする第5空母航空団の岩国への移転、戦前・ 戦中の「治安維持法」なみの悪法である「共謀罪法」の制定などを、次々と推し進めてきた。さらには、北朝鮮攻撃を視野に入れた巡航ミサイル導入の計画や、最終的には憲法九条破棄を目指すスケジュールをも今や具体的に進めつつある。かくして、日本市民は米国の「グローバル・テロ戦争」へとますます深く引きずり込まれつつあり、日本社会もまた「戦争文化国家」への道を急速に進みつつある。このような危機的な時期であるからこそ、ダワーのこの著書『アメリカ 暴力の世紀』を、我々自身を見つめる鏡として熟読すべきであろう。

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